Dear Friend,
Good news!
The very good Fr. Jim Gigliotti from St. Andrew parish in Fort Worth, Texas, is back!
Father Gigliotti was a much anticipated guest for our novena last month. He logged in with us about 10 minutes before the Zoom Room opened and all was well.
A minute or two before opening the Zoom room, Father lead us in a beautiful prayer. Just at the end of the prayer, we lost connection with him completely. We could not reach him on his cell phone, or office line. We didn't know what happened until after the holy hour.
"Strangely," Fr. Jim reported, "we lost our internet connection and phone service. Our techs tried to figure it out. This problem was only in one building; the one I was in!"
Service was restored about half way through the DMFA holy hour, so Father said he just went to the adoration chapel to unite with us in prayer. How special is that?
Please begin to pray right now of our meeting with Fr. Jim today. We hope you can join us to hear from this very special priest. If not live, watch the recording at your convenience on our YouTube channel. See details below.
Hope to see you ZOOM!
Joan and Dave |