Pray for our nation with the Marian Fathers from the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy Ever been to the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts? If so, you know how beautiful and special it is and most likely want to return. If not, you can see for yourself by tuning in to daily devotionals now live-streamed. It has been a blessing for us to be joined with some of our favorite Marian Fathers for daily Mass every morning at 9:00 am, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 pm, and Holy Rosary at 5:00 pm, all Eastern time. Father Chris Alar has been giving catechetical teachings on Saturdays and from time to time there is a healing Mass and Holy Hour with beautiful music supplied by our Marian seminarians. We encourage you to join in whenever possible. It is the next best thing to being there and so easy to get to now via live-streaming. Available on YouTube: Divine Mercy and on Facebook: Divine Mercy (official) Special Message from Fr. Chris Alar, MIC Click on the video below for a short message from Fr. Chris about joining the Marian Fathers in a special prayer for our nation in preparation for the 4th of July. Although the icon says Holy Mass, you will only view the special message posted after the Mass. |