Subject: Special presentation starts soon on Shroud Holy Face and Garabandal
Meeting early today
Special One-Hour Feature
Presentation and
Holy Hour for Your Nation
Sunday, March 5, 2023
4:00 pm ET 3:00 pm CT 2:00 pm MT 1:00 pm PT
ZOOM room opens 15 minutes before
Don Nohs
President, Society of the Holy Face of Jesus
Our Lady of Garabandal and
the Holy Face of Jesus
Don Nohs has had a devotion to the Shroud of Turin and the Holy Face of Jesus since he was a young boy. Over the last 30 years, he has given an estimated 1000 presentations across the United States and Canada on the Passion of Jesus as witnessed in the Shroud of Turin.
No one comes away from one of Don's talks without a deeper awareness of the suffering Jesus underwent for our sins and the ability to contemplate His painful wounds better. Let's "profit" from what Don has to teach and share this message with others. It will bring the Lord and His Mother too great joy!
Don is also friends with Conchita, one of the visionaries of the alleged apparitions in Garabandal, Spain, in the 1960s. He will speak on the connection between Our Lady of Garabandal and the Holy Face of Jesus.
ZOOM Room Opens March 5
3:45 ET 2:45 CT 1:45 MT 12:45 PT
Special Shroud Presentation
4:00 ET 3:00 CT 2:00 MT 1:00 PT
Holy Hour Begins
5:00 ET 4:00 CT 3:00 MT 2:00 PT
Three Ways to Join
1. ZOOM-in Live on a computer, tablet, or phone by clicking the button or link below.
Celebrating over 20 years dedicated to helping others learn about, live, and spread the Divine Mercy message and devotion. Thanks be to God! 830-634-7765
For two decades, Dave and Joan traveled from parish to parish and school to school, presenting the Divine Mercy message through dramatic presentations. When the lockdown came, they switched gears and now have a vibrant online evangelization presence and have produced videos with millions of views.