Subject: MSM Fast Friday Question: What's better than fasting?

A vital lesson from the Diary of St. Faustina

Dear Friend,

Scripture states that power over some demons is only achieved with prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). With so much evil in the world today, we've all got to embrace the discipline of fasting better, thus our Fast Friday messages.

Over the last few weeks, we discussed the Church's guidelines for fasting and abstinence and the ways some of the most popular saints fasted. Last week we covered how Jesus instructed St. Faustina to fast out of love and in union with Him for it to have power before His Father (Diary, entry 531).

But, there is something that can be even more powerful than fasting. Today we share this vital lesson from experiences Saint Faustina recorded in her Diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul.

If you haven't read the Diary, we encourage you to do so. It is an easy read since St. Faustina only had three years of schooling and wrote simply. However, it is an incredibly rich book of direction sent to us from Heaven for our times. All the words of Jesus are in bold, so you can open it up to see what the Lord has to say to you at any time. In the meantime, listen to today's short message and continue to fast, and pray!

God bless your Fast Friday,

Dave & Joan Maroney

The Diary of St. Faustina comes in a variety of sizes and formats. Click on the picture of the book to order yours today. Available in English and Spanish.