Subject: MSM Fast Friday Msg: How the Saints Did It

And why you should too!

Dear Friend,

Have you ever thought about, or know, what the Church requires of you to be considered a practicing Catholic?

Of course, it consists of living a moral life, but there are also five precepts, or minimum laws, set by the Church meant to guarantee growth in the love of God and neighbor. But Lent is the season to up our game and strive to do more than the minimum.

With that in mind, in this Mercy Sunday Momentum teaching, Dave and Joan Maroney compare what the Church requires in the fourth precept regarding fasting and abstinence to the rigorous practices of some of the most popular saints.

Since scriptures tell us that there is only one way to expel some demons of the world, and that is through prayer and fasting, we hope you find inspiration and encouragement to more intense fasting and abstinence, not only during Lent but throughout the year.

God bless your Fast Friday,

Dave & Joan Maroney