The Divine Mercy for America team is growing and growing, and that's a good thing because as most of you know, the Lord told St. Faustina that mankind will not find peace until it turns with trust to His mercy.
Your role in learning, living, and spreading Divine Mercy is increasingly important and this June we've got just a few notes about how we are here to help you.
Monthly Novenas for Our Nation
First of all, we hope you will participate in at least one or all the Monthly Novenas for Our Nation. There is strength in numbers and together we are responding to the times the way the Lord instructed. There are many ways to participate as outlined below, but one of the best is LIVE with us via ZOOM. Check out our line-up of fabulous, inspiring guest speakers from whom we have learned so much. If you can't join us live, you can watch at your convenience on YouTube. Or, as always, just click on the audio links in our daily emails and start praying.
Please also make a concerted effort to reach out to others and to build the prayer warrior team.
Fix Your Groups
Next, we want to make sure you are receiving the proper emails. If you hadn't seen the email we sent out yesterday, a programming glitch jumbled our membership groups causing many to receive emails from groups they didn't sign up for, or not receive emails for those they did. If this sounds like you, take just one minute to reselect your groups by clicking here: Choose Your Groups.
Divine Mercy for America Patron
Lastly, we invite you to become a Divine Mercy for America Patron by committing to a small monthly donation of just $10 or so to help us continue to spread the incredible and much-needed promises of the Divine Mercy to a hurting and confused world, so in need of hope and healing. Click here to learn more: Divine Mercy for America Patronage.
Thanks for your prayerful consideration of a tithe to this non-profit apostolate in any amount. We pray for our benefactors daily and have First Friday Holy Mass offered for their intentions every month.
Now, on to the rest of the story . . .