Subject: How Lent Leads to Mercy - Oh, Now I Get It

Thru Lent to Mercy to Eternity - The Amazing Journey

Dear Friend,

Ash Wednesday is just a few days away.  Are you ready to enter into the Season of Lent with gusto? If you are looking forward to the incredible graces available on Divine Mercy Sunday, then you really should be planning to dive into this penitential season like never before.

In today's teaching moment, Dave and Joan, Maroney of Mother of Mercy Messengers and Karen Japzon of John Leaps Evangelization, provide insights that will help prepare you for the Amazing Journey thru Lent to Mercy to Eternity.

Not only that, you’ll learn about the incredible connection between the burial cloth of Jesus, the Shroud of Turin, and the Image of Divine Mercy. It’s awesome! Click the video below to learn all about it and get ready for Lent.

Don’t go on this journey alone. Grab your rosary and travel safely with Our Lady.