Subject: Here's for those sending out an S.O.S. (Save Our Souls)!

Make known the Lord's saving help - Divine Mercy!

Dear Friend,

Have you noticed how more and more people are awakening to the uncertainty and evil in the world?

Many are looking for a way to deal with it. Many are seeking help out of nasty situations, family battles, financial worries, illness, sin, despair, fear. . .

The list goes on and on, but there is good news.

Our Lord and Savior has powerfully responded to our S.O.S. (Save Our Souls) even before we sent it out. All we have to do is follow the same command He gave St. Faustina:

Do whatever is within your power to spread devotion to My mercy. I will make up for what you lack.

(Jesus to St. Faustina, Diary, 1074)

In the video below, Dave and Joan Maroney provide an easy way to respond to this directive and the S.O.S. call of the world today.

In less than 11 minutes, they explain the variety of ways the Lord has chosen to pour out His mercy and heal "aching mankind" in these times.

Take a listen and pray about who you need to reach out to and the best way to do so.

Perhaps send them an image, pass along a pamphlet or Mercy Sunday flyer, or send them this video.

Share this video on your social media.

Pray for many to listen, learn, and turn back to the Lord with trust in His love and mercy.

He is waiting for them, and He WILL bless them - and you for responding to His call.

With our prayers for you and yours,

Dave and Joan Maroney

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