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Meeting ID: 776 0459 0386
Usually available by 8 pm EDT
Holy Hour Novena for Our Nation
July 1: Kevin McCarthy, JD, STL; Pope John Paul II, Divine Mercy, and Our Lady of America!
July 2: Kristin Bird, Diocesan Rosary Congress; How to Seriously Blow the Lid Off Evil
July 3: Fr. Vijaya Amruthraj, Divine Mercy for India Update
July 4: Dave & Joan Maroney, Mother of Mercy Messengers; The Divine Mandate for America the Beautiful
July 5: Dave & Joan Maroney, Mother of Mercy Messengers; Divine Mercy for "Your Country" International Expansion
July 6: Salisha Rochelle Miller, Convert & Effective Youth Minister; How St. Maria Goretti Changed her Life and Now the Life of Teens
July 7: Sr. Mary Lang; Devotion to St. Joseph and Pro-life Ministry
July 8: Greg Amaya, Mary Our Mother Foundation; Church Approved Eucharistic Miracles and How to Share the News
July 9: Fr. Dermot Roach, SMA; The Act of Consecration of the Family to Divine Mercy, How It Happened and Why It Works