Subject: Fasting and Abstinence - Here are the Conditions

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Dear Friend,

Are your sights set on Easter and the Feast of Mercy? Have you been able to intensify your prayer life, almsgiving, fasting, and abstinence?


Speaking of fasting and abstinence, are you clear on the obligations set by the Catholic Church for each one? Since we often receive questions on this topic, we thought we’d provide the answers to them in today’s Fast Friday message. Do your friends and family a favor by passing the information along so everyone can adequately experience this beautiful penitential season and be ready for the Feast of Mercy.

God bless your Fast Friday,

Joan Maroney

PS: If you would like to dive more deeply into the matter,  click here: Pastoral Statement on Penance and Abstinence issued by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops on November 18, 1966.

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