Dear Fasting Team,
We are extremely happy to announce that over the last few weeks several new members have joined the Fast Friday team. we extend a warm welcome to all who have recently joined and greetings to all of you who have been a part of the team for a while. We like to call this group the Divine Mercy for America Special Forces. God bless you all.
As you most likely know, in the military, Special Operation Forces consist of the most elite, highly trained professionals entrusted with the most difficult and dangerous missions. In order to fulfill their duty, they are not only totally dedicated, well-trained, and daring, they are also armed “to the teeth” employing the latest and greatest intelligence and weapons.
As part of the Divine Mercy for America Fast Friday team, we too employ the most cunning means of immobilizing and defeating our enemy in what Pope St. John Paul II called the greatest spiritual battle of all time. Fasting is a must (in addition to prayer and almsgiving, the other two essential pillars of our spirituality, see the homily of Fr. Chwalek MIC below) to take out the most treacherous agents of the evil one, the most powerful demons that have hold of so many souls.
Dear friends, we have two special requests for you today to help us more swiftly and definitively reclaim our religious freedoms, protect the unborn, end human trafficking, uphold traditional marriage, and banish every evil virus that plagues us.
Please actively work to recruit additional members to the Divine Mercy for America prayer campaign and network, and in particular the Fast Friday team. Many are waking up to the violent spiritual battle raging but are unaware of the great need for and benefits of fasting. Charity and mercy should propel us to boldly reach out beyond our comfort zone to build the good army for the sanctification of souls.
We ask you to forward this to friends and family to help build up an effective force. If this message was forwarded to you simply go to Membership on to sign up.