We are well off in America. In fact, it has been said that the poorest Americans are richer than the richest 3rd-world-citizens. Are we so gluttonous, has gluttony become so much a part of our day-to-day, that we do not even recognize it for what it is? Are we just like Dives? He seemed clueless, didn't he? And yet, remember in Jesus's parable, it was not like Dives did not know Poor Man Lazarus. In the reality to which Jesus spoke, Dives practically would have had to trip over Lazarus every time he went in and out of the front gate. . . Dear family, let us take time to realize just how much we have, how much we consume - especially as to food and alcohol - and then ponder whether we genuinely have fasted from either, and, in doing so, freed up some of our wealth to offer up for the benefit of the Lazaruses who might be sitting outside our own front gate. |