Dear Friend,
Well, 2022 is off and running. One month down and just one month to go before we enter into the season of Lent, so it's time to get ready.
The more we understand about the outpouring of extraordinary graces available to us on the Feast of Mercy, the first Sunday after Easter, the more we should understand the importance of Lent.
With each passing day we are in greater and greater need of the mercy of God, not only to heal us of our sinfulness and reconcile us back to God but to rid the world of the evils that plague our lives, our families, and especially our children, like never before.
So, during this Lent, we are going to be working overtime, and asking all of you to do the same, to help every Christian prepare well for Divine Mercy Sunday and take advantage of the tremendous graces the Lord promises to extend to those who seek them.
Click on our photo below and take a listen to what we've got planned. Share it with others and start putting your plans together now.
In the meantime, we hope you will take part in the Monthly Novenas for Our Nation posted below and even better, to join us on Zoom beginning at 4:30 pm Eastern or pray with us later on the Divine Mercy for America YouTube Channel.
Each Holy Hour includes:
Inspiring speaker(s) each day;
A solemn holy hour featuring a live feed of perpetual adoration under the original painting of The Divine Mercy from Vilnius, Lithuania;
The four novenas Jesus instructed be made to appease the just anger of God for the sinfulness and ingratitude of our countries;
Fellowship with Divine Mercy devotees from across the continent and beyond.
If you can't make the holy hour with us, no worries. Do what you can, wherever you can, whenever you can, and encourage others to do the same. All the prayers are found below. Just click and pray and trust!