Hello awesome Divine Mercy for America team member! New Email Service Provider DMFA is now partnering with On Fire Media and Get Response. These two tech savvy marketing and email companies will allow us to take advantage of state of the art web marketing strategies to provide us with the potential to reach a much wider audience and grow the DMFA team. As you know technology today continues to advance at a uber-rapid rate. Our new partners will help us take advantage of the latest advancements so that more will be able to come to know the unfathomable mercy of Jesus. How awesome is that? We are very excited!!! How Will This Affect You? Most of the team will continue to receive our emails with virtually no change at all. However, due to a glitch in our former email system, several of you may be receiving this message after not hearing from us for a long time. We are sorry about that but happy we are now able to reconnect. Welcome back! The best way to whitelist our messages and keep them from ending up in your spam folder is to: Create a contact in your address book for Divine Mercy for America Enter 'info@divinemercyforamerica.org' in the email address field If you like, add our office number 830-634-7765 just in case you need to call us
Many years ago, Pope St. John Paul II said, "There is nothing mankind needs more than Divine Mercy." Each day the truth of this statement becomes increasingly clear and exponentially critical so please keep connected with us and help grow our team. |