Dear Friend,
We started the novena early this month. The novena will go from May 31st to June 8th. Come Holy Spirit, renew this land!
With the celebration of Pentecost, Mercy Sunday Momentum 2023 has now concluded. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, over 16,000 joined together in MSM23 to prepare for, promote and celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. The graces poured out that day have cleansed us and opened our souls to welcome the Gifts of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, the conclusion of the Easter Season.
We are happy to report that over 5,000 signed up to receive the daily prayers for the Novena to the Holy Spirit. We should all be on FIRE and emboldened as were the apostles to witness to the love, mercy, and power of the Most Holy Trinity and all of Heaven, and we've got a plan for June to help us do just that. |