Dear Friend,
We enjoyed so much being with you at Theology on Tap. Thank you for coming!
Jump in on the 54-Day Novena that began on Ash Wednesday. Heaven hears all prayers so start today!
You will also be added to the Novena to The Divine Mercy that begins on Good Friday.
Sign up today.
It takes 24 hours for your account to be registered and to begin receiving the daily emails. Let us know and we will forward the current days prayers.
We are happy to announce that we will be back to speak to Middle School and High School youth at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, March 27th. All are invited.
We are happy to have you aboard. By working and praying together, we can and will make a difference!
Through Lent to Pentecost, we will be helping you spread the word about the Feast of Mercy and prepare for the outpouring of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Order Your Enthronement Kit The Divine Mercy Home Enthronement Kits with the Act of Consecration to the Family are available on our website with or without an Image of Divine Mercy and in English and Spanish. Click on the picture below to be taken to the page with all the Enthronement materials. |