Subject: Another MSM Resource: Special Help for Busy People Like You

From Jesus, St. Faustina and Marian Fathers

Dear Friend,

We are sure you know the Lenten season calls us to more intense Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. However, with our busy lifestyles, sometimes finding time for prayer and meditation can be difficult, so we are happy to inform you about a Marian Father program called Pausing to Pray.


Sign up and receive a daily email with an inspiring passage from the Diary of St. Faustina, followed by a meditation by one of our Marian priests. Here is your chance to receive a special message from Jesus or a thought-provoking experience or reflection from St. Faustina daily to enrich your preparations for Divine Mercy Sunday.     

Here is a sample of what you will receive.

First Monday of Lent: February 27, 2023

Although My greatness is beyond understanding, I commune only with those who are little. I demand of you a childlike spirit (Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, 332).


My Savior, I remember how I depended on my parents for everything when I was young. I took all that they did for me for granted. I now realize how deep their love has always been for me. Teach me how to depend on You with a childlike trust. I know it will take all eternity for me to begin to comprehend your greatness. But I can begin today. Little by little, I can grow in my appreciation of You and in my love for You!

Meditation by Fr. Joseph Roache, MIC

*The words of Jesus appear in boldface type

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