Subject: 10 Years Strong and Counting...

Answering America's Need

Hello Friend,

Today, nearing our tenth anniversary, we wish to thank you from our hearts for being a part of Divine Mercy for America!

Learn Our Story

And Become A Part of It!

The Cry of the Country

DMFA was founded in 2012 at a time Americans needed to know how to respond to growing concerns for the future of our nation. God was being thrown out of the public square. Evil and

sin were spreading and attacks upon respect for life, religious liberty, and traditional marriage were rising exponentially. It was the “Year of Faith”.

Divine Mercy for America's Answer

  •  We developed the Four-Part Action Plan to facilitate one’s ability to grow in holiness, pray, and sacrifice for our country as did St. Faustina, to whom the Lord said, “Because of you, I am blessing your country.”

  • We hit the road, visiting schools and churches across the country to spread the message of Mercy

  • We grew a community of thousands dedicated to transforming our nation through prayer

  • And next week, we will be speaking at the National Basilica to thousands more on the power of Divine Mercy in the Pro-Life Cause

Join the Fight

Over the last 10 years, many great strides have been made in exposing and overcoming evil. The Overturning of Roe v. Wade 10 years after beginning this movement tells us we are on the right track, but the war is not yet over. Jesus told St. Faustina, “Do whatever is within your power to spread devotion to My mercy.

Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy.”

Today, we invite you to join us.

We rely on your donations to continue this powerful ministry. Please consider supporting us financially with a monthly or one-time donation of just 20$ and become part of the DMfA Team.

10th Anniversary Sale!

Thank you again for joining us. Your presence is meaningful, and to show our gratitude, we are extending a 10th Anniversary Sale for all our email subscribers! Check out our listings and help us clean house after 10 years on the road...