Subject: Too busy? We have a plan!

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Hello Friend

I am looking for 10 ADIs to try my new Mentor Section. This section is aimed at ADIs that would like to support a PDI to qualify and then pass work on to them.

There are only 10 spaces available so please click on the button below to read more and register your interest.  It is not a first come first served basis.  Together we can become an alternative to the big companies and make new PDIs aware there is an alternative.

DVSA Test Centre Research

The DVSA would like to hear from you.  They would like to know:
  • which days and times you prefer to present candidates for test
  • how far you think is a suitable distance to travel to take a test
  • what factors you consider when you decide which test centre to use
You have until Sunday 12th June 2016 to do the survey. It should take you about 10 minutes to complete.
Happy Driving

Blaine and Lou Walsh
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