Subject: Standards Check Q & A

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Standards Check Q & A
We have discovered a new facebook feature which allows us to hold a live chat via facebook.  And the best bit is you don't need a facebook account to take part.  You will be able to listen in, however, may not be able to comment or see other people's comments appearing unless you are logged into your own facebook account.  If you click the button below it will take you to my facebook page where you can join in on the Standards Check Q&A live chat.

This live chat will take part on Monday 25th April at 8pm.
Trainers and PDIs

We are also holding a facebook live chat on Tuesday 19th April at 8pm to discuss the proposed changes to the Part 3 test and a general Q & A.  We would love to hear your thoughts and questions.

Click on the button above to take you to our facebook page.
Happy Driving

Blaine and Lou Walsh
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