Subject: Standards Check - New Content

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As a subscribing ADI member to our website you can join our private facebook page.  Lou and I have set up this page to help ADI members with any questions about the videos or general training advice.  This is a non judgmental place to ask questions, get and give advice.  You will also be kept up to date about the new videos we are producing for the Standards Check Section that are only available to subscribing members.

Please don't add other people to this page as it is for subscribing members only.  

NEW Videos

We are constantly updating a refreshing the videos in the ADI subscribing members section of the website.  We have added more new videos to the Standards Check section which are now available for you to watch.  These videos follow Gina's journey from qualifying 5 months ago to having her Standards Check.  Some of you may well have followed Gina through the videos of her Part 3.  We hope you enjoy them and find them helpful.

We would appreciate your feedback as this helps us with planning future videos and the development of the site. You can leave your feedback HERE.
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.