Subject: Blaine's Standards Check - it's getting serious and Lou means business

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My Standards Check Training Journey - Video 2

Last week I announced that I have been invited to a Standards Check.  Thank you for all of your support and good wishes.  Putting knowledge into practice is not always easy so, as promised, I am sharing my thoughts and training with you all.  This video has more of my thoughts about my Standards Check.  Click on the video above to hear more.

My Standards Check Training Journey - Video 3

The third video in this series is about my plan for training and what you can expect to see over the next few weeks.  Click on the second video above. 

If you missed the first video in the series please click on the button below to take you to the series.

Log in to your account now at to be one of the first to see my Standards Check Mock Test and catch up on how Gina did in her Standards Check under the 'training' tab.
Happy driving

Blaine and Lou Walsh
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