Subject: Re: Look At This Before and After Pic!!!

Re: Look At This Before and After Pic!!!

September 30th, 2023 at 10:23 am PDT

Look At This Before and After! From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to live youngAuth ...

Lower Triglycerides, A1C and Glucose on 30 Days! GUARANTEED

September 29th, 2023 at 8:21 am PDT

30 Days: GUARANTEEDHow to Get Started Living Young!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to ...

Milk Thistle: The Mayo Clinic Liver Cure!

September 27th, 2023 at 3:00 pm PDT

For Wine Drinkers and Med Takers!The Mayo Clinic Liver Detox Cure!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch ...

HEALTH WARNING: This Artificial Sweetener Explodes Internally

September 27th, 2023 at 6:47 am PDT

Splenda (Sucralose): The Artificial Sweetener That Explodes Internally From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps p ...

Week-In-Review: "All My Friends Quit Fighting!"

September 25th, 2023 at 5:18 pm PDT

Week-In-Review:All My Friends Quit Fighting...She Didn't!(Final Call for Special Deals!) From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceuti ...

20% Off Last Call! Big Pharma Wins Again!

September 24th, 2023 at 6:01 am PDT

Last Call 20% Off!Big Pharma Wins Again!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to live youngA ...

FRIDAY RESTOCK: 20% Off Pain Relief Outrage Sale!

September 22nd, 2023 at 4:50 pm PDT

20% Off Relief FX: Outrage Sale! From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to live youngAu ...

Guaranteed: The 1-Day Gout Cure!?

September 20th, 2023 at 3:33 pm PDT

No More Gout!(Joint FX On Low Stock Alert Save on 3-Pack)From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their me ...

More Endorphins! The Zero-Calorie Energy Drink That Makes You Feel GREAT!

September 19th, 2023 at 5:46 pm PDT

The ZERO-CALORIE Energy Drink That Boosts Endorpins!(The Only CHEMICAL-FREE and CALORIE-FREEPre-Workout in The World!)  From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAband ...

Weekly Recap! And 15% Off The Harvard Blood Clot Cure!

September 18th, 2023 at 5:00 am PDT

Week-In-Review:My Lab at Full CAPACITY!(Low Stock ALERT: 3-Pack Discount on Cardio FX!)From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chem ...