Subject: Etsy's Bestselling Charcoal Soap Is Here! LIMITED! (LOOK!)

Etsy's Bestselling Charcoal Soap Is Here! LIMITED! (LOOK!)

March 30th, 2023 at 5:51 pm PDT

Etsy Best Selling Charcoal Soap Is Finally Back in Stock! Why Old-Fashioned Soap, Though?  From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceu ...

Deadly Prostate Medication Trend

March 30th, 2023 at 12:39 pm PDT

Prostate Problems: Dead In 18 Months There's A Better Way!(Courtesy Email: Prostate + On LOW STOCK!)  From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology and chemistry
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned ...

I'm Not Playing! 37% Natural Boost with Raw-T! (PIC)

March 29th, 2023 at 10:20 am PDT

37% Boost Of Natural Testosterone!What are your thoughts on TRT?(The Natural Alternative for Libido and MORE!) From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his c ...

BREAKING! Stop Trying to Lower Your Cholesterol!

March 28th, 2023 at 8:00 pm PDT

BREAKING NEWS: Stop Trying To Lower Your Cholesterol!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds t ...

ALERT! Massive Backorders and Cancelled Orders!

March 28th, 2023 at 1:40 pm PDT

ALERT: MASSIVE BACK ORDERS!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology and chemistry
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to live young ...

Last Call: 50% Off Special!

March 27th, 2023 at 4:11 pm PDT

Last Call 50% Off!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to live youngAuthor of 3 Worst Meds ...

Sunday Straight Talk News with 50% Off Special!

March 26th, 2023 at 8:47 am PDT

Sunday News With Current Specials! 50% Off!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to live you ...

Today! Stop High Blood Sugar in 9 Days or Less!

March 25th, 2023 at 3:49 pm PDT

Is Insulin The Worst Medicine?Stop High Blood Sugar in 9 Days or Less!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people d ...

FREE Book: The Most Ancient Medicine

March 25th, 2023 at 7:38 am PDT

Ancient Babylonian Medicine!FREE Guide Teaches How to GUARANTEE Soft Supple Skin, Vibrant Hair and Stop Premature Wrinkles! From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAb ...

The 1-Day Gout Cure!?

March 23rd, 2023 at 1:00 pm PDT

No More Gout!(Courtesy Email: Low Stock Alert)From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to live ...