Subject: 30% Off Shea Butter Rich Soap!

30% Off Shea Butter Rich Soap!

February 27th, 2023 at 11:00 am PDT

Shea-Butter Soap Does Wonders For Your Skin...and Health! (30% Off Final Call!) From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemi ...

2-Days Only! Etsy Bestselling Charcoal Soap Is Here! LIMITED! (LOOK!)

February 26th, 2023 at 6:16 pm PDT

Charcoal Soap Is Here! Why Old-Fashioned Soap, Though?  From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch th ...

Sunday Special! Harvard: Stop Blood Clots for Life, Without Meds!

February 26th, 2023 at 7:51 am PDT

Harvard's Natural Cure:Stop Blood Clots for Life!(Sunday Special: 3-Pack Discount on Cardio FX!)From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceut ...

Chemist Alert: Do You Have COVID?

February 23rd, 2023 at 10:33 pm PDT

Do You Have COVID?  From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to live youngAuthor of 3 W ...

Why I Quit My Job...

February 23rd, 2023 at 3:12 pm PDT

Why I Quit My Job...(Plus Current LOW Stock Alerts)From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to ...

Weekend Special: Massive Melatonin Boost for Sleep!

February 18th, 2023 at 8:24 am PDT

Melatonin Boost for Your Pineal Glandand Deep Sleep!(Weekend Special Get 15% Off!) From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical ch ...

Weekend Special: Massive Melatonin Boost for Sleep!

February 18th, 2023 at 8:16 am PDT

Melatonin Boost for Your Pineal Glandand Deep Sleep!(Weekend Special Get 15% Off Plus FREE Shirt!) From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a p ...

URGENT: What Is A Vitamin?

February 17th, 2023 at 9:53 am PDT

What Is A Vitamin?(3-Pack Special and FREE Shipping!)From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds t ...

Last Call 3-Pack Special on Anti-Inflammatory!

February 16th, 2023 at 5:00 pm PDT

Director of Baylor University Center for Gastrointestinal Research Interviewed: Are Turmeric’s Cancer Claims Legit?(Last Call on 3-Pack Special!)  From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's deg ...

You're Not Hungry!

February 16th, 2023 at 1:00 pm PDT

You're Not Hungry...When You Learn How To Stop It!  From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their m ...