Subject: Guaranteed Cure to Type 2 Diabetes: NOT INSULIN!

Guaranteed Cure to Type 2 Diabetes: NOT INSULIN!

December 30th, 2023 at 6:57 am PDT

GUARANTEED: Curing Type 2 Diabetes in 30-90 Days!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to li ...

Looking at Christmas Lights and Drinking $2 Wine

December 27th, 2023 at 10:13 am PDT

Looking at Xmas Lights and Drinking Wine...2023 Recap! From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their m ...

Merry Christmas: Free Skin Care Guide!

December 23rd, 2023 at 9:00 pm PDT

Merry Christmas: FREE Skin Care Guide!(Forward To Friends and Family)  From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps peo ...

SPECIAL: The Heart Attack Season!

December 22nd, 2023 at 8:00 pm PDT

Don't Be a Victim of The Heart Attack Season!!Get Your Glucose, Triglycerides and A1C in Check, GUARANTEED!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a ...

(PIC!) Tombstone AZ

December 22nd, 2023 at 6:34 am PDT

Imagine! Hormones PRIMED!(New Straight Talk Coming Soon! Plus, Pre-Workout on Special!) From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutic ...

~Sunday SOLD OUT Alert: Natural Cure to Alzheimer's Disease!

December 17th, 2023 at 4:34 pm PDT

Cinnamon Extract BEATS Type II Diabetes, Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelp ...

(PIC!) Imagine! Hormones PRIMED!

December 15th, 2023 at 5:52 pm PDT

Imagine! Hormones PRIMED!(New Straight Talk Coming Soon! Plus, Pre-Workout on Special!) From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutic ...

GUARANTEED! Lower Triglycerides, A1C and Glucose on 30 Days!

December 12th, 2023 at 3:30 pm PDT

30 Days: GUARANTEEDHow to Get Started Living Young!From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps people ditch their meds to ...

SHOCKING: My Daughters Insulin Sensitivity!! (PIC)

December 11th, 2023 at 11:46 am PDT

SHOCKING:My Daughters Insulin Sensitivity!(CINNERGY 3-Pack SPECIAL!) From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemistHelps peo ...

URGENT HEALTH WARNING! Stop Taking Vitamins!

December 9th, 2023 at 9:13 am PDT

Chemist: The Vitamin Curse is The Biggest Cause of Heart Failure, Cancer, Fatigue and More! (Forward to Friends and Family!)From Shane The People's Chemist Ellison, M.S. 
Bachelor's degree in biology
Master's degree in organic chemistryAbandone ...