The types of calories you’re eating might be keeping you fat! Calories come from three types of macronutrients (macros) found in your food and drinks: carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Like horsepower on a car, a calorie is simply a unit of measure for a given type of food.
Your body doesn’t treat all food (calories) the same. Some food is more calorie-dense than others. For example, an equal number of calories from bread, avocados, and tuna will trigger drastically different hormonal responses. Depending of numerous factors such as age, activity levels, and lean body mass, these responses will either hurt or help you.
When Elizabeth tried to lose weight, she focused on eating “mostly healthy fats.” Pound for pound, healthy fats carry more than double the amount of calories compared to carbohydrates and protein. To understand this, look at the math:
1 gram of fat = 9 calories
1 gram of carbs = 4 calories
1 gram of protein = 4 calories
If most of your calories come from fat, this will have a much different effect on your body, than if most of your calories come from protein… even if the fat is “healthy.” Most alarming, it will force your body to hold on to extra calories as FAT STORAGE rather than use them as energy expenditure.
Therefore, 30 grams of avocado might be significantly more detrimental to lean body mass than egg whites (which are all protein) or brown rice (which are mostly carbs) for someone who is overweight and operating with a broken metabolism. However, healthy fat calories from an avocado would be great for breaking a sugar addiction. Once the addiction is gone, the macronutrient profile must be changed! It would no longer be beneficial to eat the same amount of avocado.
The key to weight loss and having a healthy metabolism is to design your macronutrient plan based on your 1) activity levels, 2) meal frequency, and 3) health goals.
Do these three things properly and you can not only reverse obesity, but also dozens of other diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. This is especially true when you start throwing in botanical medicines like Thermo FX (my natural fat-burner), Serotonin FX (my natural sleep aid that wards off sugar cravings), and Cinnergy (which reverses the damage done by sugar)!
But beware! Even when you know the proper macronutrients, you can still eat too f@#cking much! To lose fat, you need to be in a caloric deficit. This means your body is using more calories than it’s consuming.
Caloric restriction doesn’t mean you have to go hungry or “fast” for five days. By choosing foods that are nutrient dense rather than calorie dense, you’ll never have to consider the amount of calories you’re consuming. Your own body will ensure that you naturally eat within a calorie range that mimics caloric restriction.
The concept is simple. Nutrient-dense foods have a high nutritional value, relative to their number of calories. They provide ample nutrients and micronutrients that your body needs for optimal function. A grass-fed steak, an apple, or a stalk of broccoli, all have a high level of nutrition, with a modest number of calories. Whole eggs, meat, fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts, berries, seeds, butter, and coconut oil are all nutrient-dense foods.
By contrast, a bag of potato chips, a donut, or a can of sugar-filled soda have very few nutrients, and a high number of calories. Pasta, cakes, cookies, crackers, bread, cereal, food bars, and most desserts are also nutrient-depleted, yet calorie-dense foods. They offer no value to your body.
When you eat and design your macronutrients, choose only nutrient-dense foods that will provide all the nutrition your body needs to ensure that your hormones keep you “feeling satisfied,” even if the number of calories is considerably low. This is key if you want to stop eating so f@#cking much.
====> Everybody has different macros!!! My custom coaching program designs them for you. It also gives you daily workouts, medication weaning protocol, and your own, plant-based medicine routine. To qualify for this coaching you must have the AM-PM Fat Loss Package! Just click here and get 20% off! Text me direct at 855-510-1117 to apply, AFTER purchasing the package.
Dare to live young!
The People’s Chemist