You're wasting time with these tests:
Vitamin D
All of the above tests are nothing more than neatly-designed scams for hooking people on meds...nothing about them will grant you health, only hook you on meds.
And that inevitably leads to a fast pass to death.
There are however a few tests that could save your life.
But first you need to understand a tiny bit of history.
In 1913, chemists discovered that carbohydrate consumption skyrockets blood sugar levels to dangerous levels...simple carbs like cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup, juice, soda, wine and alcohol.
As simple carbs are consumed habitually, the damage is akin to termites hollowing out a log. Biologically, you age prematurely and eventually die young. This is a well known process that's important to understand if you want more energy and life.
As sugar rises, our oxygen carrying molecules are weighted down by sugar. It's a slow suffocation. And the damage from these carbohydrates can be seen in blood tests that measure:
As of 2022, The Journal of the American Medical Association has declared that high blood sugar is the biggest threat to our kids and adults, stealing an average of 11 years from a persons lifespan.
The best way to find out if you’re a potential victim is to get your blood tested. These three simple blood tests can tell with reasonable certainty whether or not you’re at risk for the sugar eating disease we know as Type 2 diabetes.
The Blood Sugar Test
First, test your fasting blood sugar.
Wake up, go to a blood lab, and have them draw blood, or buy a self-test at a grocery store.
Normal fasting blood sugar is 85 to 95 mg/dL.
If yours is higher than that, you may have some bad blood. But then again, the reading is only a snapshot. Elevated blood sugar doesn’t always mean you’re at risk, nor does a normal reading mean you’re in the clear.
The Insulin Test
Your body has the ability to hide the threat of high blood sugar with high insulin levels. This is why blood sugar levels don't mean much by themselves. They must be coupled to insulin levels. In other words, your blood sugar might be "normal," but your insulin might be sky high as a coping mechanism.
It's easy to understand this...
When blood sugar rises, your pancreas attempts to protect you from the poison by increasing its production of insulin. This helps to force-feed your muscle cells the excess blood sugar, keeping excess blood sugar invisible from tests. I call it a biological coping method that gets missed ALOT!
Therefore, get your insulin levels tested.
Any doctor can do both of these for you. If you have normal blood sugar and high insulin levels, you might have "bad blood."
The A1C Test
Both blood glucose and insulin tests are mere snapshots and don’t give a good idea of what’s happening over time. That's why you need an A1C test. This measures how much of your hemoglobin is being attacked by excess sugar, over time.
If you have raised blood sugar for long periods, it will attach itself to hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying molecule I mentioned above.
The process basically works like this:
Sugar floats in the bloodstream for too long, gets lonely, and then grabs onto a nearby hemoglobin molecule. The attachment gives rise to “glycated hemoglobin," which is noted as A1C.
Since the same hemoglobin molecule lasts for about three months in your blood, an A1C test measures your blood sugar over that time. For instance, an A1C reading of 6 percent equals an average glucose of 135 mg/dL (7.5 mmol/L).
In summary, if your blood glucose reading corresponds to anything higher than 95 mg/dL, you could be in danger. Your health trajectory might be taking you toward depression, premature heart attack, stroke, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s, usually in that order.
The Weight Test
But, let's not forget what the best indicator of high blood sugar is - your weight...
If you’re carrying a body-fat percentage of 22 percent or higher, you can bet that you’re on a downward spiral. Even 18-22% should be put in check!
You can stop this insidious outcome by forcing your body to REMOVE SUGAR with Cinnergy!
Cinnergy is an ultra-potent blend of medicinal cinnamon and milk thistle. It brings premature aging to a screeching-halt by targeting high blood glucose, liver toxicity and dementia. Coumarin-free, Cinnergy works to restore health by optimizing sugar metabolism without life threatening side-effects common to prescription meds and insulin. Regular use puts an end to high blood sugar, triglycerides, A1C and your worries of insulin resistance as well as Type II diabetes!
You'll known Cinnergy is working because you'll have more energy, better focus and your sugar cravings will hit a wall! Plus, your doctor will be floored over your new blood test results!
Dare to live young,
The People's Chemist
P.S. I am nearly sold out of Immune FX, again. Next to go will be Cinnergy and Pre-Workout! Stock up now by clicking here!