Subject: Urgent Alert: British Medical Journal Announces Blood Clot and Stroke Risk!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

Blood Clot and Stroke Alert:

The Natural Cure!

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

Bachelor's degree in biology and chemistry

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • 2X Recipient of Howard Hughes Research Grant

  • Abandoned career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

Medical journals around the world are warning of massive blood clot and strokes associated with COVID vaccines!

This needs to be heard.

Let's start with The British Medical Journal:

"Clots in the arteries (arterial thrombosis) are the most common cause of stroke (ischaemic stroke) and have been reported in detail for the first time in young adults who received the Oxford–AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine."

There's more.

In a letter from UK stroke specialists published online in Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, they wrote, "A syndrome of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) has recently been reported following the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (Oxford–AstraZeneca) recombinant adenoviral vector vaccine encoding the spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2."

People are scared. And people are outraged.

The former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan is trying to fight back, saying, "From the beginning COVID has been a conspiracy against health and life. COVID is a profit-making agenda and an agenda for increasing arbitrary government power over people. There should be massive law suits and massive arrests of those who block effective COVID cures and impose a deadly vaccine.”

This side effect has sparked a mad rush to yet more meds.

Blood pressure meds.

A-FIB Meds.

Blood thinners.

You don't need any of these.

To help you expand your knowledge on what it REALLY takes to have excellent cardiovascular function, I’d like you give you free access to chapter 4 of my groundbreaking book, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Take Charge of Your Health in 30 Days with 10 Lifesaving Supplements for Under $10.

Thousands of customers have told me this book changed their lives. It opened their eyes to the reality that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know: WE DON’T HAVE TO REMAIN SICK AND MEDICATED FOREVER. You can be healthy without paying tons of money for dangerous prescription drugs.

Enjoy this free chapter at no cost.

Click here to download FREE “Chapter 4 – The $8 Cure to Deadly Blood Clots and Poor Cardiovascular Function” from Shane’s bestselling book.

By reading this eye-opening excerpt, you’ll discover:

  • The shocking story of how 72-year-old Joyce suddenly dropped dead, courtesy of her doctor prescribing her Plavix (the popular anti-clotting medication)

  • The – and what you can do to prevent it#1 biggest cause of premature heart attack or stroke

  • (unless you want to slowly disintegrate your cardiovascular system over time!)Why you should avoid aspirin at all costs

  • A list of hypertension meds that double as “,” turning your body into a puffy mess of fat

  • The “forgotten” natural cardiovascular cure - plus recommended foods and supplements for bulletproofing your cardiovascular system against heart attack and stroke

  • And much more

Download your free chapter here!


Time To Ditch The Meds!
