Subject: ~The SCIENCE! 80 Pounds Lost Sleeping! How You Can Do Same!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

Blood Sugar Cure!


"80 Pounds Gone In Her Sleep"

The People's Chemist

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

  • Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

If you understand this, you can save your metabolism!

Your blood sugar is maintained by your muscle cells. As it's released in the blood from diet and your liver, the body has a hormone to escort it into the muscle cell. That hormone is insulin.

The key word here is MUSCLE CELLS!

If you have very little muscle, insulin will have very little ability to force your muscles to use up sugar!

This is bad.

If you have a lot of muscle, then insulin will be very efficient at forcing your muscles to use up sugar.

That is called having HIGH INSULIN SENSITIVITY!

High insulin sensitivity is one of the key components of my Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT). Once you obtain it from diet, exercise and my plant-based medicine, you are free from diabetes, obesity, cancer and more!

You also live longer, better! That's living young!

All health rests on this "Sugar Muscle Axis (SMA)!"

If you have too much sugar and not enough muscle, you lose your health.

If you have controlled blood sugar and high muscle, you gain health!

This is true AT ANY AGE!!!!

It's automatic and even works while you sleep.

-----> This is no different than your body regulating your breathing while you're can do the same for your sugar levels when you FORCE YOUR MUSCLE FIBERS TO BE SENSITIVE TO YOUR INSULIN!!!

And that means you can burn fat while you sleep!

"I started out taking 2 Cinnergy in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast as advised. I did this for about 2-3 months.

Then, per the directions on the label, I started taking 1 before lunch and dinner. I then realized that I had really good results taking one before bed to make sure my insulin stay down for fat burning while asleep. I have lost 80 lbs and I have 20 lbs to go. When I started, my fasting glucose was 98... 1 point away from the "danger" zone. It is now down to 65."

That came from a 61 year old TPC fan...imagine being able to lose fat in your sleep in your sixties!!!!!

And now, best of all, they know how to do it with Cinnergy and exercise.

You'd be absolutely crazy not to be taking Cinnergy if you wanted to live young!

Imagine having the peace of mind that comes with burning fat while you sleep!!!!

When you burn fat, you cleanse your liver, lower your triglycerides, keep your A1C down and you never have to fear high blood sugar!

All without meds.

That's the power of using a cinnamon extract and milk thistle as medicine in Cinnergy!

Cinnergy even works better than insulin and every blood sugar medication on the market today!

...from the science journal Nutrients. Astounded by the science of cinnamon as a medicine they wrote the following:

"The results from the available evidence revealed that cinnamon improved glycemic and lipidemic indicators."

"Clinical trials clarified that cinnamon also possesses an anti-inflammatory effect, which may act beneficially in diabetes."

"Based on in vitro and in vivo studies, cinnamon seems to elicit the regulation of glucose metabolism in tissues by insulin-mimetic effect and enzyme activity improvement."

"Furthermore, cinnamon seems to decrease cholesterol and fatty acid absorption in the gut." 

"Moreover, cinnamon has been employed as a potential therapeutic agent to treat Type 2 diabetes, demonstrating its effectiveness in decreasing fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance improvement."

"Milk thistle extract improved ultrasound fatty liver grading and liver enzymes morbidly-obese patient candidates for bariatric surgery with fatty liver disease after only eight weeks, without any adverse effects." 

Ready for the fastest, easiest and laziest way to live young?

Buy a Cinnergy 3-Pack now and save HUGE, and get FREE shipping! Click here!

You're welcome!

The People's Chemist


Time To Ditch The Meds!