Serotonin FX is loaded with valerian.
This single plant carries a mouthful of sedative compounds
known as valerenic acid. They stink...some say like dirty socks.
And that's good!
The stronger the smell (stench), the better it works! That's because it's indicative of being plum-full of VALERENIC ACIDS!
...those are mandatory for getting RESTORATIVE SLEEP!
The American Journal of Medicine published the results of a large-scale review of all clinical trials done on valerian and sleep to date.
Combining all the data led to this conclusion:
“The evidence suggests that valerian improves sleep quality without producing side effects.”
In other words, it works better than the liver and kidney damaging pills prescribed by your doctor.
Psychophysiology also showed that, "Oral administration of L‐tryptophan and valerian increases brain serotonin levels by following normal 5‐hydroxyindole pathways. Moderate doses produced sedative effects accompanied by increased slow‐wave sleep. The findings are consistent with the idea that serotonin, or one of its metabolites, is involved in the mechanisms controlling both SW and REM sleep."
Once swallowed, valerian releases its sleepy molecules into the blood-stream where they’re carried past the blood-brain barrier. In the brain, they enhance our natural ability to sleep without giving us a "mental vasectomy." No damage, no side effects, they simply enhance - rather than mimic - the molecules our body uses to induce deep, restful sleep.
You could think of valerian as a natural sleep amplifier. When used, it “coaches” our nervous system to begin the chemical cascade responsible for natural sleep. Unlike prescription drugs, valerian simply leverages our natural ability to fall asleep, rather than cutting off the supply to our own sleep molecules.
There are many other uses of valerian-rich Serotonin FX, too:
Dating back to antiquity, valerian is derived from a Latin name, Valerius. The Greek physician, Dioscorides, apparently recommended valerian root to treat many disorders including heart palpitations, digestive problems, epilepsy, and urinary tract infections. Later, Galen recommended valerian during the 2nd century as a treatment for insomnia.
Ever since, modern-day chemistry has identified and characterized it as nature’s most potent sleep aid and anti-anxiety medicine. Using state-of-the-art chemistry extraction methods, my valerian is 4 times more potent than store-bought versions!
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