Subject: Summer PICTURE: Reminds Me Of When I Met My Wife!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

Summer: Reminds Me Of When I Met My Wife!

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

The sun was just setting as Skyler and I tucked away our hard-boiled eggs, plain-yoghurt and blueberries for breakfast.  We were officially prepared for our annual flight to the cannabis-filled air of Colorado. 

We’d be taking our 1962 Mooney. It’s a low-wing plane that seats four and requires some gymnastics to squeeze into its tight quarters. We’d have to leave before sunrise to beat the low-oxygen, hard-to-fly heat of mountain-filled air.

I told Skyler, “Go to bed wearing what you’ll wear tomorrow. There won’t be time get dressed when you wake up…” 

He reminded me that he does that all the time. “It’s easier to get ready for school that way, Papa.”  At 8 yo, he’s got it all figured out.

We’ve been going to the mountains every summer for 10 years. Colorado is a reminder of when my wife, Lea Ann, and I met the first time in Durango. 

She was a freshman, and I was in my fourth year of college. 

After staring at each other like we had already met, she spoke first.

“What’s your GPA!?” 

She didn’t even ask my name…

“No, what’s YOUR GPA!?” I answered.

“I don’t know…okay, what’s your name?”


I told her the unspoken college rule: “If you don’t know your GPA, it’s because you don’t want other people to know your GPA.”

She laughed. 

“You look like a dumb jock and I don’t want to date a dummy.”

“I’m majoring in chemistry and biology and have a 3.4.”

Game over. 

Best test I ever passed.

That was 25 years ago.

One of four spawn, Skyler, went to bed wearing his “Try Harder” T-shirt, a pair of shorts, and Vans. We were going to hit the ground running. 

It was just the two of us. 

Mom left a week earlier with Aubrey and our puppy, Bella. They were carrying bikes, skateboards, and hoodies.

----> My 20 yo daughter, Lily, was headed for Tel Aviv to make a MasterClass on luxury soap making using essential oils, organic olive oil, tallow and shea-butter! This is the first course to ever teach the early history of Babylonian soap making...the same soap that serves as nature's natural antibiotic and antiviral, all while slowing the aging process of your skin! (STAY TUNED!)

My son, Blair, moved into the gym for the summer to train wrestling and jiu jitsu.  He’d be sleeping mat side to wake up for 7am jiujitsu, afternoon drilling, wrestling practice at 5:30, then repeat.  

For the rest of us, it would be 3 months of early morning, fireside coffee, sliding into hidden hot springs while under a cool mist of rain, and evening wine on the deck, watching shadows slide across the mountains.  Inevitably, I’d remind her how rude it was of her to be asking me about my grades when we met…  

When people fall in love, it’s instant. You know it, because you naturally trust and the other person. “What’s your GPA?” was code for, “Can I rely on you? Are you a person who gives a shit, who tries and makes an effort?” Or is your partner just pleasure chasing?????

Life is lonely and hard.  It’s even worst if you’re stuck without someone you can’t rely on…we all want to experience life with someone who’s action-driven—not somebody who sums up their love with the empty emotion of , “I love you,” and then just bounces on their ass like they’re barely figuring it out and holding on for dear life.  That's a pleasure chaser galore, not the love of your life...

True love spurs action. 

That’s the feeling in your gut and you owe it to that person to follow it, forever.

Upon takeoff, Skyler grabbed my phone to snap a pic of the houses rushing by underneath us. 

“Are we going to have a tailwind?” he asked. 

I assured him it wouldn’t matter if we had a headwind or tailwind—“The view is the same.” 

We paddled our way to 14,500 feet, pushed our seats back, turned on the music, and shared a cup of Yerba mate.

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Get off your ass and extend your years and the quality of your life with Cardio FX.  Take action. On Wednesday I’ll be launching my 3-Pack special!  Once supplies are gone, the offer is gone.  Stock and save before it's too late: Protect your cardiovascular system now with hawthorn-rich Cardio FX: Yes! I want my 3-pack special! Click Here!


Time To Ditch The Meds!
