Subject: Start Guide: With FREE WORKOUT!! (PIC)

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

30 Day Start Guide




From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

  • Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more


Once you make realizations about how your sabotaging your health, then you can make resolutions to fix it.

That's what the "woman in red" did. This wasn't done in 30 days, but it did start with the 30 day start guide below!


You will be faced with hunger and physical discomfort from the exercise. This is and important note. Pain and discomfort from exercise and hunger will be NORMAL!! Therefore, you are going to have to have the mindset of purpose over pleasure! It will subside! Your body will let go of fat, build muscle and your mind will stop asking for useless calories! Accept is the growing pains of living young!

The "lady in red" shown above did just that...

And a lot of people are asking her, "What are you doing to look so young!?"

She started cleaning the body of SUGAR BY PRODUCTS!

That starts with understanding the sugar addiction!

When you're addicted to sugar, your body says no but your brain says sugar!

The need for more and more sugar stems from the surge in feel-good molecules triggered by sugar consumption. Once the sugar high dissipates, the brain is depleted, leaving us wanting and needing more.

Kids are HIGHLY susceptible to this, which is why sugar is so detrimental. It's more addicting than cocaine and nicotine! One soda can yield a series of withdrawal symptoms that forces an ongoing addiction to sugar and overeating! 

This cycle has been shown to be deadlier in fact than smoking cigarettes as you become an adult.

Therefore, more sugar follows sugar...without it, the sugar user is left feeling lethargic and lazy, pushing them to seek out more sugary feel-good highs and calorically rich foods.

At the same time, this roller coaster injects enormous cravings for junk food, alcohol, and nicotine into the brain, which is why abstaining from these vices without addressing hormone intelligence is futile.

If you quit sugar without addressing the hormones, you will simply become addicted to alcohol, nicotine and/or caffeine.

It all ages you prematurely...and when you understand this you can learn to stop it so that you age normally!!!

This is what people will see and comment on!

Once consumed, sugar revs up a biological process known as "cell division." Normally, this allows your body to repair itself. As cells decay and grow old, they're slowly and meticulously replaced with healthier offspring, via the precision of a Swiss watchmaker.


But with excess sugar, it forces cells to divide and replicate prematurely. By rushing the process, each cell is slowly eroded and replaced with an unhealthy counterpart. That's because every time your cells divide prematurely, a small portion of your DNA is lost.


As you blindly consume sugar, the DNA gets shorter and shorter and your genetic map is lost. Finally, it disappears and the cell stops dividing and dies way before its time.

Physical aging occurs as more and more cells reach the end of their lifecycle. You see this on a blood test as high blood sugar, triglycerides and A1C.

As sugar consumption continues, your muscles get weaker, wrinkles appear, and eyesight fades. Injuries occur more frequently and your body fails to repair itself. Eventually, the organs begin to fail and death occurs.


You cannot avoid your DNA becoming shorter as time goes by. But the good news is, by learning how to CLEAN YOUR BODY OF SUGAR BYPRODUCTS with Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT), you can dramatically influence the speed at which it occurs...and start looking younger!!

I've been using Hormone Intelligence for more than two decades to pull people out of a grave, cure cancer and even put beautiful women into lingerie, should they choose that for themselves.

Here is a 30-day start guide!  

(Send me your success story after following the steps below. If I share it, you win $100 in FREE products!)

Daily Habits (Link to FULL PACKAGE DEAL BELOW):

Habit 1: Do the 18-Minute Workout APP every morning Monday-Friday! (Download the APP for FREE in your APP store, "The 18-Minute Workout") Take Thermo FX at breakfast and lunch!

If you can't get the App, do this EVERY MORNING:

Walk or run 1-2 miles then do 1 minute of beginner burpees (slow or fast), rest 2 minutes. Repeat that 5 more times. Simple, 6 rounds of exercise! See what a beginner burpee looks like by clicking here!


Habit 2: Quit all sweets!!! Never drink calories! Eat only three meals per day, consisting of 50% protein, 40% fat and 10% complex carbs. Use MyFitnessPal App to track these macros.

If you want something more simple, just eat three meals a day and choose from eggs, cottage cheese, veggies, meat, plain yoghurt, and fish.

Habit 3: Reverse the indiscriminate damage caused by sugar, artificial sweeteners and alcohol with Cinnergy! Take Raw-T with lunch, Monday through Friday. Take Serotonin FX with dinner.

Lucky for you, my Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) package is back on sale, FULL STOCK and no shipping charges!

Yes, I want my hormones back in 30 days!

Once you start using plant-based medicine to get your hormones back, you will start:

  • Enjoying Exercise

  • Having blood tests that your doctor celebrates

  • Shedding fat day and night

  • Boost your libido

  • Have 3X as much focus

  • Look 10 years younger!

All of these are the result of Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) activating AGE NORMALIZATION.

Get started now and get 25% off by clicking here!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you get confused, go back and read habits 1, 2 and 3!

You will be faced with hunger and physical discomfort from the exercise. This is and important note. Pain and discomfort from exercise and hunger will be NORMAL!! Therefore, you are going to have to have the mindset of purpose over pleasure! It will subside! Your body will let go of fat, build muscle and your mind will stop asking for useless calories! Accept is the growing pains of living young!


Time To Ditch The Meds!