Subject: Saturday Straight Talk! 56 YO Pilot Ditches Meds to Save Heart!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

Pilot Saves Heart Health and MORE, DITCHES THE MEDS!

The Real Way to Boost Immunity and Never Get Sick!

(Stock Up and Watch Your Energy Shoot Through The Roof!)

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

  • Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

Once most people hit 50 years old, they:

1. Get doped up on meds

2. Brag about it

3. Then start a downward spiral to the grave

Not this pilot!

He's just getting started.

He refused drugs for all of his serious ailments:

"I'm 56 years old pilot of a B-737, residing in Europe, working in India at present. I had Mitral Valvuloplasty in 2009 to open an artery. Shortly after that I tried your Cardio FX and Cinnergy with amazing results. My elevated triglycerides went down quickly and stayed within normal values since." 

"My annual heart test results place me repeatedly in the above average of healthy population rank."

There's more.

"Riding my Royal Enfield Classic 500 motorcycle, I slid on sand, resulting in torn ligaments in my knee two years ago. I was experiencing a lot of pain and a simple squat was impossible. Taking high doses of prescription drugs for 5 months did not help a bit. I got off them.  Then I tried your Joint FX. The pain subsided within a few days and after 3 months of taking 2x2 pills of Joint FX I have achieved full range of motion. I do not know I had any knee injury at all!"

"As a professional pilot, I have to deliver standard performance, regardless of my feelings. Your Immune FX is the best and fastest immune system booster I have ever come across. "

"I have tried your weight loss package last summer, too. I've lost 25 lbs in three months and had to put two more holes in my uniform belt. Following your simple nutrition advices, there is no yo-yo effect and I'm enjoying wearing pants two sizes smaller comfortably."

"All your supplements I've tried worked as advertised!"

"More and more people around me are asking me to get TPC supplements, because they do work.  Thank you!"

Immune FX Is The Greatest Immune Booster in The World! Here's Why!

One of my first lessons as a drug chemist was that bacterial and viral infections could be conquered without a prescription drug or va$$cine!!!!

The medical journals had already discovered a powerful defense to everything from strep throat, the common cold, and even candida! This substance is so powerful, Big Pharma has been trying to make a synthetic version of it in their top-secret labs for almost 15 years!

And yet, they've failed. This natural immune booster is available here: Nature's Antibiotic is Here!

Most prescription antibiotics and antivirals are nothing more than counterfeits of Mother Nature. Consider the following expert testimony from Dr. Edwin L. Cooper, professor at the University of California: “Several valuable drugs have been isolated from plant and animal sources; these include aspirin, morphine, reserpine (the first antipsychotic), almost all antibiotics, digitalis, and anti-cancer agents such as vincristine, vinblastine, and Taxol.”

Big Pharma doesn’t like promoting this fact because they know that drug sales would be curbed by people turning to natural medicine. Instead, they promote fear in order to sell their counterfeits. Stop being so gullible! Get nature's immune booster here!

Do you remember how many people swallowed Tamiflu in fear of a global pandemic of the notorious bird flu? Enough to earn its maker Roche a record $2 billion, at least! I don’t know if Tamiflu users feared that the bird flu would turn into the human flu or feared that they would turn into birds - one is about as likely to happen as the other.

And consider how va$$ines are sold.

Government-backed vaccination programs and the resulting fear that a lack of vaccine will put the population at risk have created further unease – sometimes mass hysteria.

In reality, the threat of a naturally occurring, global pandemic is lughable! But whether you’re facing a potential worldwide illness or a common cold, you don’t need to turn to the drugstore to find relief!

The wonder-herb known as “andrographis” is available here! Andrographis comes from India, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka. This herb supercharges your immune system and helps flush out viral and bacterial infections.

Here is just a sampling of what andrographis can do…

Reduces Severity and Duration of Cold and Flu

Historically, this herb has been used primarily as a treatment for cold and flu symptoms. Recent double-blind human trials have proven that the use of andrographis reduces not only the severity but also the duration of those symptoms. Most people find that it relieves throat soreness, but researchers also noted that it improved other symptoms, including temperature, headache, muscle aches, cough, nasal symptoms, general malaise, and eye symptoms.

Helps Overcome Gum Disease

A new application for andrographis is as a medication for periodontal disease and gingivitis, a condition that’s common in individuals over 60 years old. Research has proven that andrographis is effective in inhibiting and killing the bacteria primarily responsible for periodontal disease, which prevents the subsequent loss of teeth.

Beats Many Infections

Andrographis has been a staple in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years to treat snakebites, malaria, and dysentery.

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is considered to be especially effective in clearing heat from the body and blood, and is commonly used to treat heart conditions, along with infection in the lungs, urinary tract, and throat.

----> Within the halls of Big Pharma, modern research has proven andrographis to be beneficial at removing blood clots, stopping the spread of multiple types of cancer, and increasing the amount of immune-enhancing white blood cells that the immune system produces. Stock up here!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. When you supercharge your immune system, your body has more energy for focus, fitness and endurance! This is true at any age! Within 3 days of taking Immune FX you will feel the difference!

Take 3 capsules twice a day for 3 weeks, then go to a maintenance dose of 3 daily for 3 more weeks. Watch the magic! Do not take if you're trying to get pregnant.

Learn more about this natural miracle by clicking here!


Time To Ditch The Meds!