Twenty two years ago marks my first New Years, jobless.
Lily was a one year old throwing spaghetti every chance she got. Lea-Ann was a new hair dresser, making just enough to pay rent, sometimes. We had been married for 3 years.
For ten years prior to this, I was working on three college degrees - paid for with athletic and academic scholarships.
Chemistry and biology. Then medicinal chemistry as a graduate student. To help with bills, I taught organic chemistry 101. I was dead set on becoming a pharmaceutical chemist...that made me a top recruit. And I scored my dream job even before graduating.
Unfortunately, I had to walk away. The fraud being committed was too much to witness. They called it "disease inflation." Their primary goals was to convince women that they had breast cancer so they could hook them on Tamoxifen, which caused cancer.
That was when I had to walk.
They also were in the midst of convincing men that high cholesterol was deadly...and that children needed two dozen vaccines prior to starting school...and that high schoolers going through puberty needed anxiety meds and antidepressants.
When I quit, we shared a car, and rented a home that we could barely afford. Lea-Ann was cutting hair at a local hair salon. Her best day was $100 bucks.
It wasn't uncommon for her to sit at the salon for 8 hours and make nothing. And even then, we still found pennies to save for our dream of starting, The People's Chemist.
With so little money, we spent that Christmas walking the neighborhood, drinking $2 wine. We bundled Lily up in a stroller we bought at a Second Hand Thrift Shop.
It was pure bliss.
Zero cares.
We knew we had what so few do - freedom.
I also knew I had the Holy Grail of medicine - properly designed, plant-based extracts that worked safely and effectively mastering hormone balance, output and sensitivity.
It was just a matter of time before I built my lab and began creating the best products Mother Nature had to offer.
From that point on I worked like a rabid dog on meth. There were no "days of the week." Every day was my f@#ckin day to write, find inexpensive lab equipment, research raw materials and design a purity guarantee that would ensure every user FELT the profound impact of natural medicine.
When the FDA or Big Pharma contacted me to make threats on my book or try to hack my website, I ramped up my security and just got louder.
I was relentless in my message, that "vitamins" and meds are killing you...they're both made from a lab and they both have side effects. The only difference is how they're packaged and labeled.
Women don't need tamoxifen - and they often don't have cancer even if diagnosed. The meds and the diagnoses are FRAUDS!
You were either with me or against me. Most were against. Even family members complained about my work hours and even questioned my scientific findings!
It's been two decades. And many friends and family have paid for their beliefs and hypnosis with their lives...they swallowed statins, aspirin, birth control, vitamin D, artificial sweeteners. They died well beyond their years.
I've lived long enough to see the Facebook funerals...
I'm still here. But I'm banned from Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, PayPal and more...
And now more than ever, everyone's a f@#ckin' know-it-all. They still want boosters, blood thinners, chemo, vitamin C and more.
Meanwhile, two decades later, plant-based medicines are curing high blood sugar, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, insomnia and helping people become greater athletes...
The backbone to having superior health and longevity is using nature's Holy Grail - Daily Dose!
Daily Dose provides full-spectrum curcumin, boswellic acids from Frankincense, cayenne and bromelain. Combined, these are essential for enhanced mental focus, sharpening your memory, boosting immunity and maximizing longevity.
Together, curcumin and boswellic acids have been used for thousands of years as a natural anti-inflammatory that helps protect you from cancer, memory loss and dementia. If you want to bathe your brain in the botanical medicines required to live young, stay sharp and attain a formidable mindset, Daily Dose is your new multi-nutrient.
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Send me a thank you and let m know how you felt!
I didn't walk away from my career to sell snake oil or bullshit me-too vitamins. As The People's Chemist, my products are made to impact your life in ways that no medication or vitamin can...made to help you live young!
Stock up tonight and avoid the waiting by clicking here!
Dare to Live Young,
The People's Chemist