Subject: Hunger is a Liar?!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

SCIENCE ALERT: Why I Ignore Most Hunger Signals..And Why You Should Too!

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

This is important.

There are 4 types of hunger.

You should only listen to one!

Physical Hunger

Most people think that hunger has everything to do with your stomach. When there’s food in your belly, you feel full. When your stomach is empty, you feel hungry. This is physical hunger.

Physical hunger is the feeling you get several hours after a meal, after a long day of work, or after an intense exercise session. Your stomach growls and you might feel tired, irritable and have difficulty thinking. This is caused by your body’s true physical need for nutrients and energy.

Listen to that one!

Hormonal Hunger

But your feelings of hunger are affected by many factors beyond whether your stomach is full or empty. In fact, we often feel “hungry” again, soon after a big meal. Or we experience strong cravings, especially for sweets and carbs.

This is hormonal hunger. It has little to do with how much
you’ve eaten and everything to do with hormonal ignorance – your satiating hormones are either not working or you’ve become insensitive to them.

The cravings caused by hormonal hunger can overcome even the staunchest willpower, and can lead to intense mood swings, fatigue, and a near constant desire to eat, regardless of being “full.” This is the most common cause of “eating too f@#king much.” It’s gluttony at it’s worst!

Nutritional Hunger

There is also “nutritional hunger.” Since most food today is nothing more than a pile of food-like substances void of nutrients, your hunger is truly never satisfied. Therefore, after a crap meal, you’ll be hungry in hours due to your natural craving for nutrients. But rather than eat nutrient rich food, 99% of obese will simply eat more crap – eating
themselves into the history books without knowing why…

When your diet consists largely of grain-based carbohydrates and other processed, refined foods, your body is missing out on hundreds of critical vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and enzymes.

As a means of survival, it will continue to send hormonal signals to your brain to “EAT, EAT, EAT,” even when you have consumed far more calories than you need for
basic energy requirements. Therefore, despite eating too f@cking much, your body will still be hungry for nutrients.

And finally, there is learned hunger.

Since eating elicits a flood of feel-good molecules, the brain will “learn” when and how the food was obtained as a survival method to obtain more in the future. In its most
benign form, learned hunger arises at meal time. And since 1pm – lunchtime – comes around only once per day, its fine.

But, in its most malignant form, learned hunger can force someone into overeating based simply on bad eating habits.

For instance, if someone eats multiple times per day (bodybuilders and athletes) or while watching television (Kids), learned hunger can set in and force them to become
hungry each and every time the situation presents itself.

Athletes who eat every two hours, are simply training their body to become hungry despite no need for nutrients. Same for children – or anyone else – who eat in front of the television. Subconsciously, associations will be made based on learned hunger and forced overeating.

You see, the hunger that most people feel has nothing to do with a real need for food. Most of the time your hormones or brain are lying to you.

Understanding how the three types of hunger can fool us shows why it’s not fair or prudent to tell overweight people to simply eat less – it’s virtually impossible without teaching them about which hunger is real and which one is fake.

If eating is driven by lying hunger signals, “eaters” are eventually severed from their longevity hormones! Therefore, the only true way get your body and life back is to get control of your blood sugar levels!

===> SCIENCE ALERT: Learn how to do it with this TRUE CINNAMON BLEND by CLICKING HERE!

Once your hunger hormones are in check, a hormonal cascade is set into motion that ramps up fat metabolism and the production of your longevity hormones!

===> SCIENCE ALERT: Learn how to do it with this TRUE CINNAMON BLEND by CLICKING HERE!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Once you get blood sugar in check there's an explosion of hormone sensitivity that kicks in. This forces triglycerides, A1C and belly fat to drop! Energy goes up, hunger goes down. Your body says, "thank you Jesus, and your brains screams LETS LIVE!"


Time To Ditch The Meds!