Subject: CEO: Am I Quitting in 2025?

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

CEO: Am I Quitting in 2025?

...These Products Are Almost Gone

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

  • Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

....Am I quitting TPC in 2025, like so many CEOs?

My name is Jeff Milano and I'm the CEO of The People's Chemist. I've been at this post for 15 years...more than announcing some very low stock alerts on TPC plant-based meds, I need to answer a question about "me quitting..."

In 2024, 600 chief executive officers left their jobs, either through retirement, resignation or being forced out. That’s a 50% increase from the first quarter of 2023, according to the outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas.

That’s hundreds of top-level CEOs who stepped down from their jobs and cashed in their stock shares.

Why’d they do that?

What did they know was going to happen?

Why did they all cash in their shares while their stock price was still high?

If you need me to spell it out for you:

They cashed out because they got a tip that the economy can be ambushed at will by Big Pharma!

Norovirus, flu, COVID….more fear more vaccines.

They refuse to fight back.

For that, they’ve lost all honor and self-respect (If they had any to begin with).

They’re the elite’s puppets. And they deserve to drown in shite — like any parasite.

This handful of elites doesn’t care about you. They’re playing games with your freedom, future, and that of your children.

They’re experimenting on you, seeing how compliant the American public will be. They say “jump,” you jump. They say “mask,” you hide your face. They say “distance,” you step away.

If that scares the hell out of you — good. It means you’re paying attention!

It’s time for courageous men and women with their honor and self-respect intact, to recognize approaching doom and speak out and act out.

Those who try to silence you are not your friends!

They are the enemy of your freedom, health, and well-being.

I’m not one of the CEOs who bailed.  Im’’not quitting in 2025!

In fact, over the last three years, we ramped up our operations here at The People’s Chemist. We were even spotlighted on NBC and ABC news for spreading “misinformation."

Banned from Paypal, IG, Twitter/X and more…

Thanks media.  We're just getting bigger.

This isn’t the time to quit and sail away!

We never closed down.

We kept our shipping houses in LA and Chicago running running, NON-STOP!

I didn’t sign on as CEO to make a boatload of money and then wait for my tip-off, so I could quit, cash out, and leave you in the lurch.

I signed up as a health freedom fighter. And the battle is raging.

Fight with us. Join our ranks. Health freedom is the frontline of the battle.  Start by ditching your meds and reading 3 Worst Meds (Amazon).  This will outline a blueprint for living young!  

Also, as of January 2025, we are low stock alert on Immune FX, Connery and Pre-Workout.

We can't keep enough product made.

Stock up here:

Stay Healthy!

Jeff Milano


P.S. It’s easy to look competent in a strong economy when seas are smooth. When times get tough, your back is up against the wall and seas turn into mountains - that’s when LEADERSHIP is needed most.

Rats are only interested in themselves. Leaders protect the women and children, first. And not just their own…

What the good are you if you can’t handle a little heavy weather without being the first wimp to abandon ship?!

MBA my arss…

That’s my 2 cents on these fraudulent CEO’s.


Time To Ditch The Meds!