Subject: Blood Sugar ALerT: Susan Panicking About Blood Test!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

Susan Panicking About Her Blood Test

Sugar Cure 3-Pack Restock Special Today!

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

No medication interactions! No side effects! Cinnamon and milk thistle extract - Cinnergy - is the go-to for making your doctor happy with blood work! Save huge now by clicking here!

Susan is a 52 years old dentist who recently got her blood work done.

She’s in a panic!

She called her doctor. 

She called her sister.

Her sister told her to email me...

Her blood sugar was 110 mg/dL.  Her triglycerides were 150 mg/dL and her cholesterol “borderline” at 220…

“I really need help because I eat healthy and exercise.  I’m completely lost,” she confided.

“Whoa, hold on.  First of all, you’re probably not eating healthy, nor are you exercising,” I assured her.


If you’re eating right, then your blood sugar and triglycerides will never be elevated. 


What was she eating?

Smoothies, protein bars, fruits and vegetables…

Yep, that’s a diet of death. 

That’s because its all carbohydrates! 

In 1913, chemists discovered that carbohydrate consumption skyrockets blood sugar levels to dangerous levels...simple carbs like cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup, juice, soda, wine and alcohol - Basically all the stuff in your Starbucks, smoothies, bread and pasta.

As simple carbs are consumed, you age prematurely and eventually die young. This is a well known process that's important to understand if you want more energy and life.

As sugar rises, our oxygen carrying molecules are weighted down by sugar. It's a slow suffocation. And the damage from these carbohydrates can be seen in blood tests that measure:

  • Fasting Blood Sugar (not monitoring throughout the day)

  • Insulin levls

  • Triglycerides

  • A1C (glycated hemoglobin)

As of 2022, The Journal of the American Medical Association has declared that high blood sugar is the biggest threat to our kids and adults, stealing an average of 11 years from a persons lifespan.

So, Susan needs to fix her blood chemistry IMMEDIATELY if she wants to live young…if she wants to live active and youthful into her later years.

That means getting off the damn carbohydrates while ditching sugar, getting sunshine and working out 5 days a week.

“But, Shane, I workout everyday!”


“I walk every morning."

Walking isn’t exercise.  

Neither is gardening, hiking or lifting weights.

Exercise as defined by science and your body is anything that activates a hormone response known as HORMESIS.  This is an adaptive response to physical stress among large muscle groups and increase the heart rate to 80% of your max threshold!  It’s doesn’t matter if you’re 8 years old or 80.  Anyone can do it.  

For Susan, she needs to start jogging mile every morning.  After that run, she need to do 2 minutes of beginner burpees, rest 2 minutes and repeat 6 times.  This will require 9-14 min for the run and 24 minutes of real exercise.

Additionally she MUST start taking Cinnergy immediately to save her arteries from high blood sugar, triglycerides, and increased glaciated hemoglobin (A1C).  

Also, 10-30 minutes of sunshine on 80% of her body is essential if possible - assuming she can find sun.  If not, no worries, just slower results and white skin. 

Nobody will die from lack of sunshine and she doesn’t need to be eating synthetic vitamin D pills, which will kill her via heart failure…extra-virgin cod liver oil is great if she’s living in Count Dracula’s Castle 24/7.

As far as cholesterol goes, Susan needs to understand that the medical industry is drug dealing cartel.  Their only job is to find ways of convincing you that you’re sick.  It’s called disease inflation.  

By inflating the number of people who think they are sick, you increase medication sales.  Your insurance company is in on the scam, too. And conditioning humans to think that cholesterol will kill them, is mainstream robbery. 

It’s a lie.

Cholesterol will never kill you.  In fact, the higher it is, the longer you live.  It’s a normal response for cholesterol to rise as you age…that makes it a beautiful scam.

But she MUST USE CINNERGY NOW! Get a huge discount and FREE shipping by clicking here!

===> Lowering blood sugar with Cinnergy will also ward off dementia and Alzheimers as well as obesity and even brighten your skin and cleanse your liver!!!! No more hypoglycemic meds required guaranteed!!!

No matter what your age is, if you care about healthy aging, you NEED TO ADD CINNERGY to your health arsenal!!!!


Time To Ditch The Meds!