22 years today!
Tonight we will share a bottle of Italian wine, hand delivered by an intrepid sailor of a teak wood schooner, after crossing the Atlantic under the unforgiving skies of El Niño. God as his co-pilot, he will sail back to fetch next years anniversary wine.
We will reminisce on the day we met and laugh about how young and stupid we were.
We will talk about how that fateful meeting led to a mass exodus from a normal life of security, fear, and mediocrity to a new one of adventure, hard work and debt free, sovereignty - all the elements of alchemy.
We will carve out a small but good chunk of time to reflect on the dozens of stupid f#ckers who were so sure they knew how we should live our lives...
I’ll laugh and make fun of all of them.
She’ll tell me I’m an asshole.
I’ll tell her how pretty she is and remind her of my biggest strength and weakness: Giant, cold heart.
She will hug me and say at least it belongs to me.
Then we’ll order a glass of the best house wine to finish off the meal, and toast to next year. Once home, we'll go straight to the bedroom to make the devil proud...
It's these moments that are life's true currency. Not the 401K plan, the free $100 for getting a vaccine or even paychecks. It's memories.
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Dare to Live Young!
The People's Chemist