Subject: ~Angry Doctor Makes Threats!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

Angry Doctor's Are Trying to Censor

This Diabetes Cure!

The People's Chemist

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

"I lost so much weight, everyone is asking me what I did!"

It was Cinnergy!

She learned about my remarkable, all-natural powerhouse formula from an email a friend forwarded to her a few months ago.  

“I just use Cinnergy as if it was doctors orders, and ditched my meds!”

Using my experience as a pharmaceutical chemist, I formulated Cinnergy to target blood sugar with razor sharp accuracy so it would help people do just that!!  

I wanted everyone to have the ability to restore their metabolism and hormones back to their youthful levels!

Nobody wants to battle blood sugar and obesity through a series of doctors appointments!

And they sure as hell don’t want to fight blood sugar using risky meds that make you feel hungover and sick on the daily!

Here’s else she told me:

“I started taking 1 Cinnergy before lunch and dinner. I then realized I also had good results taking 1 before bed to make sure my insulin stay down for fat burning while asleep.”

“I have lost 80 lbs and I have 20 lbs to go!” 

“When I started, my fasting glucose was 98... 1 point away from the "danger" zone. It is now down to 65.”

That's the power of using a Cinnergy as medicine! 

Cinnergy works better than insulin and every blood sugar medication on the market today!

That’s what enraged the doctors.

—-> It only took 8 minute for numerous medical doctors to start making threats to my via email.

“You’re making claims that are against FDA rules and regs…”

“If you keep talking about curing diseases with natural medicine, you won’t be selling your snake oil for very much longer…”

“Are you willing to lose your business for making such claims?”

You see what’s happening here? 

These are the pharmaceutical foot soldiers trying to protect Big Pharma turf.

They don’t what you to know the dangers and risks of diabetes drugs…and they sure has hell don’t want you to know that all of these medications can be replaced with Cinnergy, which costs only 66 pennies per day!!!!

Think about it.

On average, an insured, diabetic patient spends $13,000 per year on drugs. 

Using Cinnergy for one year would cost you $239.70.

If you order now, you’ll save even more.

====> Ditch the diabetes meds! Get Cinnergy Here!

Cinnergy lasts for up to three years, so you can stock up without worrying about an expiration date.

Your doctor will be furious about ditching the meds for Cinnergy, but he will love your blood tests results!

Doctors, nurses, the entire nexus of political power — Big Pharma, Wall Street, and the FDA — have been censoring the truth about Cinnergy and all natural medicine for well over 100 years in an attempt to medicate you to death. 

At its most effective, censorship replaces the truth. In time, everything that’s “blacked out” is thought to deserve it, and forgotten about. 

This is the final victory of censorship: The masses become totally unable to know the truth. 

Today, the forces behind “modern medicine” have been victorious in their censorship of natural medicin alternatives.

They’re carefully spoon-feeding you lies and faulty science to hook you and your loved ones on diabetes meds that kill…

But in spite of this blanket of deceit, a small rebellion is being fought and won by people who take charge of their health and end their own high blood sugar wars themselves, and ditch the meds.  

Science is on our side too!  

The highly respected medical journal, Nutrients, published their findings on cinnamon and milk thistle extracts found in Cinnergy, writing that:

“…cinnamon has been employed as a potential therapeutic agent to treat Type 2 diabetes, demonstrating its effectiveness in decreasing fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance improvement.  Milk thistle extract improved ultrasound fatty liver grading and liver enzymes morbidly-obese patient candidates for bariatric surgery with fatty liver disease after only eight weeks, without any adverse effects.”

There’s no other natural product in the world that works as well as Cinnergy.  And there’s no other medicine that can make a promise to restore your hormones and blood sugar back to where they need to be to post your energy, protect your memory and make your doctor proud. 

You’ve seen the science and the testimonials, if you’re not ready to experience natural health and vitality by simply taking an all-natural capsule filled with the best medicine that mother nature has to offer, you’re not ready to get out of bed.

Otherwise, buy Cinnergy here!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist


Time To Ditch The Meds!