Subject: 1-Hour Left! Blood Pressure Special!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk


Stop Blood Clots and MORE!!

(Cardio FX 3-Pack Special!)

1-Hour Left! 

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

I formulated Cardio FX over 20 years ago to be the absolute greatest heart cure, mainly for athletes! I wanted something they could trust to protect their hearts under the harshest conditions.

Then, Cardio FX became a game changer for pilots.

It single-handedly allowed tens-of-thousands of aviators to ditch their meds and trust their heart to Mother Nature. One simple herbal remedy allowed them to ditch the meds while controlling blood pressure, strengthening the heart and preventing blood clots!

Cardio FX gave them the certainty they needed to fly without meds and live young.

1-Hour LEFT to stock up and save on Cardio FX.  Start taking 3 capsules twice daily! Read the label for EXACT instructions on putting this natural shield around your heart!

One of the many key ingredients is hawthorn. Using state-of-the-art extraction methods, I pulled out life-saving compounds that go to work immediately on the cardiovascular system!

The premier science journal, Frontiers in Pharmacology recently published that, "Hawthorn has an extensive history of medical use in many countries. In China, the use of hawthorn for the treatment of CVD dates to 659 AD. In addition, accordingtothetheory of traditional Chinesemedicine, it acts ontonifyingthe spleen to promote digestion and activate blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis. This review revealed that the hawthorn extracts possess serum lipid-lowering, anti-oxidative, and cardiovascular protective properties, thus gaining popularity, especially for its antiatherosclerotic effects. We summarize the four principal mechanisms, including blood lipidlowering, anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and vascular endothelial protection, thus providing a theoretical basis for further utilization of hawthorn."

The science has never been so solid for a natural cure!

Based on Nobel Prize-winning science, Cardio FX is the Holy Grail for total cardiovascular health and athletic performance.

As a true plant-based blend of heart-healthy nutrients, it strives to restore proper circulation, blood pressure control, increased delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body, reduced clotting and maximized energy – all in one product!

[3-Pack Special Discount on Cardio FX CLICK HERE!]

Noting the curative powers of medicinal hawthorn, Dr. Stephen Dahmer, MD at University of California at Irvine Medical Center noted;

“Hawthorn medicinal extract has long been a favored herbal remedy in Europe. Reviews of placebo-controlled trials have reported improvement in patients with mild forms of heart failure. Other studies of hawthorn in patients with heart failure have revealed improvement in clinical symptoms, pressure–heart rate product, left ventricular ejection fraction, and patients’ subjective sense of well-being.”

Strong heart means strong body and mind!

The prestigious science journal, Pharmacognosy Reviews, showed research proving that;

"...the therapeutic benefits of hawthorn preparations has focused primarily upon its cardiovascular effects…Results recorded from clinical trials, experiences of professionally qualified medical herbalists, and the low/negligible incidence of side effects experienced by patients would indicate that hawthorn preparations hold significant potential as a useful remedy in the treatment of CVD.”

[3-Pack Special Discount on Cardio FX CLICK HERE!]

Derived from the flower, leaves, and fruits of the plant, hawthorn has traditionally been used for digestive disorders and preventing kidney stones. Modern science has shown its’ active ingredients to be useful for congestive heart failure, chest pain and irregular heartbeat. It can also be used to support controlled blood pressure and ameliorate hardening of the arteries. 

But hawthorn isn’t the only natural cure in Cardio FX!

Grape seed extract 

Supports circulation as shown by studies on chronic venous insufficiency while also decreasing heart rate. Rich in polyphenols (specifically, procyanidins), it’s a potent antioxidant and well known for its ability to maintain youthful endothelial function, regulate platelet aggregation to ward off risky blood clots and reduce inflammation.

Magnesium Citrate

Properly absorbed magnesium citrate (unlike magnesium oxide) provides a host of cardiovascular benefits for a wide range of cardiac factors including arrhythmias, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and endothelial dysfunction. A well known fact, magnesium deficiency can cause profound changes in how the heart, blood vessels, blood cells, intestinal tract, and other tissues function. 


Widely recognized as agents for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, thrombosis, hypertension and diabetes. Population studies show an inverse correlation between garlic consumption and reduced risk of cardiovascular disease progression. Multiple scientific studies in animals and humans show that garlic consumption can have significant cardio-protective and cardio-strengthening effects. 

[3-Pack Special Discount on Cardio FX CLICK HERE!]

In The Journal of Family Practice, Dr. Laura Eaton and Dr. Scott Kinkade highlighted that, “In most herbal reference texts, hawthorn extract (Crataegus monogyna or Crataegus laevigata) is recommended as an oral treatment option for chronic heart failure. In Germany, its use has been approved for use in patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class II symptoms, and the extract is marketed as a prescription medicine. The extract is believed to possess positive inotropic and negative chronotropic cardiac properties, and increase coronary blood flow. Unlike most other inotropic agents, it also exhibits antiarrhythmic properties.”

If you're not using Cardio FX for total cardiovascular health and athleticism, you're NOT LIVING YOUNG!

1-Hour LEFT! Stock up now and save on Cardio FX CLICK HERE!

Dare To Live Young!

The People's Chemist


Time To Ditch The Meds!
