Subject: # Shea-Butter Rich Soap! For Body, Face and Hair!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

Shea-Butter Soap Does Wonders For Your Body,

Face and Hair!

25% Off!

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

  • Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

“Washing with soap and water is one of the key public health practices that can significantly limit the number of infections.”

- Alex Welsh writing for The New York Times

Only one thing in the world kills both viruses and bacteria:

Old-fashioned soap. 

And for a limited time, you can get 25% off! Click here to see the shea-butter and charcoal-rich bars, made with essential oils!

Furthermore, rubbing chemical sanitizers on your skin at work, school, and Chipotle won’t help fact, it’s harming you. Chemical-based soaps, “sanitizers,” and wipes increase your exposure to the cancer-causing chemicals used to make them.

...Oh yea, and there’s also the risk of superbugs. 

The more “sanitizing” you do, the more you train bacteria and viruses to mount bigger defenses against you.

Old-fashioned soap is different. 

A real soap bar made via saponification using lye kills everything. This is due to the creation of “micelles.” 

Stay with me here...

When you make soap from olive oil, tallow, and palm oil, you’re making one of chemistry’s all-time, greatest molecular medicines and wonders — the micelle (pronounced MIH-sell).

Liquid soaps and sanitizers won’t give you this benefit.

Micelles are pin-shaped molecules that are derivatives (chemical cousins that are made via saponification) of fat. They are unique because they have water-loving properties on one side and a water-shunning, fat-loving properties on the other. The opposing sides (water loving and fat loving) form an attraction among the molecules and create “the bubble.” 

The soap bubble is one of chemistry’s most unique molecules. Unlike any solid, liquid or gas, a soap bubble is made of three layers - water sandwiched between micelles. That’s why colors swirl on the surface of a bubble, the water is reflecting light. Also, a bubble can take on any shape and is unlimited in size.  But most importantly, a soap bubble derived from vegetable or animal fats is responsible for protecting us from biological nasties thanks to its anti-infectious properties.

That’s the difference.

The fake, chemical-made “suds" you get from soaps at the grocery store, Whole Foods and the farmer’s market yield perfume-laden, look-a-like bubbles that don’t kill germs! All they do is look pretty! 

True soap yields micelle bubbles that kill infection on contact.

Here’s how it works…

Bacteria and viruses are protected by a shield of fat (lipid) that looks like a micelle soap bubble. These shields are studded with proteins that let biological nasties invade and thrive off a host. 

The most prominent of these pathogens are: 

  • coronaviruses (common cold, flu, and more)

  • hepatitis B and C

  • herpes

  • Ebola

  • Zika

  • dengue

  • many bacteria that attack the intestines and respiratory tract

The micelle bubble kills them all. Since “likes attract likes,” A micelle wedges itself into the lipid (fat) envelopes of microbes and viruses. As it does, it pulls water in with it thanks to the “water loving” side of the molecule.  This causes water pressure and acts like a crowbar, prying the viruses or bacteria apart. Eventually, the foreign invaders implode, like crushing a grape. Once open, the infection spills its guts and dies, allowing our immune system to clean it up. 

Professor Pall Thordarson, head of chemistry at the University of New South Wales, describes the attack by saying the micelle bubbles “render bacteria and viruses useless.”

That’s why old-fashioned soap is a MUST for my family! We’ve been making soap for more than a decade. As a father and chemist, I’ve taught my kids this valuable life skill. 

Our bars are chemical free and made from olive oil, tallow, palm kernel oil, and shea butter.

They’re a dream for skin, hair, and face!

And, they're jam-packed with essential oils...

For a very limited time, you can get one of nature's all time, most effective germ-killers for 25% Off! Click here now!

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist


Time To Ditch The Meds!