Subject: ~ Here I Am at 50 YO (PIC)

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk

What Makes Your Hormones Shine

at 50 Years Old?

20% HIT Therapy Discount to Get Started!

The People's Chemist

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.

Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry

  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist

  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young

  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more

For more than two decades I've been designing and selling plant-based medicines to keep you young.

I've put them all to the test.

From home births, to broken bones, to flu and strep and even torn ligaments, my family and I have relied on them for over twenty years!

My wife has had four children, competed and won at The Arnold in bodybuilding and even the Olympian, all without a single medication or drug.

My oldest daughter, Lily, has carried this ethos into her own life and now runs her own Handmade Soap Club.

Living young comes down to one thing:

Protecting your hormones.

You cannot do this if you are taking any type of medications on a regular basis. The safer and more effective alternatives to all medications are plant-based medicines!

At 50 years old, I've never taken a medication, used steroids or TRT, nor have I had a single surgery of any kind. And that's all due to protecting my hormone balance, output and sensitivity with plant-based medicines.

I've pioneered my methodology as Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT). I'm stricter than most because one of my biggest fears is not being a product of my own product.

Here I am now at 8% body fat, 50 years old.

When I was working as a pharmaceutical chemist at 27 yo, I was 205 lbs and 29% body fat...

I know what it's like to feel trapped and out of ideas.

That was until I started digging into the research at an Eli Lilly library and stumbled upon the ultimate fountain of youth - Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT). Not one medication was required...this discovery was the impetus of me quitting my career as a bench chemist.

Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) is for anyone who wants to live stronger, fitter and free of high blood sugar, diabetes, heart disease and cancer!

HIT is the ONLY way to live and experience life. After two decades of watching it:

  • Make pro athletes

  • Cure Diabetes

  • Beat Heart Disease

  • FREE people from a cancer diagnosis

...I can honestly say that, YES! HIT is the only way to live!

I'll take that to the grave with me...hopefully my 11 yo Skyler can hustle and make it through 6-8 years of college to be the next TPC....

There are obviously stages to HIT. It's like picking up a new hobby. You can go basic or extreme!

How To Get Started

The first thing to do is prime your cells to become more sensitive to your hormones. This is a 30 day protocol that demands you start drinking 10-20 ounces of purified water 3-6 times a day. Then, get sunshine as often as possible on 80% of your body. Quit all things sweet (except stevia). And finally, exercise daily by doing high repetition body movements like air squats, push-ups and burpees (I know 76yo women who do these). Here is a FREE workout program! Click HERE!

That's 30 days of getting sunshine, exercising, and quitting sugar.

People will complicate this and fail when they start "going Keto," or eating and fasting "intermediately," or just trying to eat like a caveman or whatever other bullshit simple minds get distracted with...Don't do it. Quit sugar, exercise and get sun. Got it?

The second phase of this starts after you've quit sugar, exercised and gotten sunshine for 30 days. It's 90 days of the same thing. But added to that is weaning from meds, eating only 3 meals a days spaced out by 5-7 hours and aiming to strip off all fat to an extreme level to slow down senescense. This means you're shedding as many dead or dying cells as possible and replacing them with newer, healthier cells that have better functioning strands of's all the details on that you if you want a deep dive: DEEP DIVE DNA AND HORMONE INTELLIGENCE

Add in my entire package of Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) plant-bsed medicines and you start seeing the magic happen in DAYS!

Blood sugar balances out, your skin starts to glow and pants start loosening up...You can get this whole package for 20% off by clicking here!


Send me your success story and pic and I'll send you an ultra-secret discount code for your next order!

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Custom Coaching Spots are SOLD OUT! You can book a call starting February. These calls are 45 minutes and are guaranteed to dial in your medication weaning, plant-based medicine dosages and timing, your hydration plan as well as your meal timing and exercising plan! Calls are $297 and must be paid for prior to the call. Look for details in the New Year.


Time To Ditch The Meds!