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Dear Neighbors,
In recent months, our office has gotten word of several vehicle break ins throughout the District. My office has reached out to APD and asked for more information about these incidents and whether there are identifiable trends. As many of the break ins have only been "reported" on social media/through neighborhood email lists and not officially through APD, there are gaps in the available data.
In order for APD's crime analysts to provide the best information, we encourage anyone who has experienced a vehicle break in over the last 12-18 months to please provide the incident information to my office so that we can compile and send to the Austin Police Department. Please share this request with your neighbors. We would like to gather the information by Monday, March 4, so that we can send it to APD early next week. Reports should include home addresses, dates/times (approximate, if exact is unknown), and details including how the vehicle was entered (doors left unlocked, window shattered, apparent use of a "relay box"), how long and where your vehicle was parked, a list of the belongings that were in your car, and any pictures or videos you may have taken. Please send all information to my Communications & Outreach Coordinator April Brown at april.brown@austintexas.gov.
If you have already filed a police report, please send us the report number so we can share as part of the compilation to APD. We hope to come back to you with more information about the break ins, including safety tips and further insight into reports of relay boxes being used to unlock cars.
As a reminder, please report any burglaries or break ins directly to APD either by calling or using the new APD smart phone app. Official data allows us to see trends and helps with the allocation of resources. Kind regards, Alison Alter Council Member, District 10 |
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Table of Contents - It's My Park Day – March 3
- ATD Speed Mitigation Meeting – March 5
- Election Day – March 6
- MEASURE Austin Mixer & Workshop – March 7-8
- Corridor Mobility Plan Open House – March 8
- SXSW – March 9-18
- March for our Lives – March 24
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| | | It's My Park Day – March 3
The Austin Parks Foundation is holding its semi-annual It's My Park Day on Saturday, March 3 at project sites across the city. Originally held once per year, It's My Park Day has become Austin's largest city-wide volunteer event and now encompasses both a spring and fall date. Last spring turned out over 3,200 volunteers and nearly 100 projects, equaling over 10,000 hours of labor. With participation in It's My Park Day continuing to grow, the Austin Parks Foundation has now partnered with restaurants and businesses across the city so you get more when you give. Wear your Spring 2018 IMPD t-shirt to any of the partner locations and receive great discounts and giveaways.
As always, It's My Park Day is kid-friendly! You can find a list of projects, register to participate, see FAQs, and more here. |
| | | ATD Speed Mitigation Meeting – March 5
In 2017, my office began hearing from folks concerned about the installation of traffic calming devices. As we worked to facilitate conversations between neighbors and staff at the Austin Transportation Department (ATD), the Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) program was placed on hold. During this pause, my office worked with ATD to identify improvements to the notification and installation process. The Austin Transportation Department is now resuming the installation of speed mitigation devices throughout the city using the revised process. As part of the improvements, ATD is working with affected neighborhoods to conduct a broad-based traffic management discussion prior to mitigation. Monday, March 5, 2018 6:30 p.m. St. Matthew's Episcopal Church - Huffman Hall 8134 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX, 78759 Three speed mitigation projects will be discussed at the March 5 meeting: - Mesa Drive from First View Drive to Cross Valley Run
- Hart Lane from Greystone Drive to Executive Center Drive
- Mountainclimb Drive from Highland Hills Drive to Dry Creek Drive
Staff from ATD will give a 15-20 minute presentation on the LATM process and why certain streets are identified for traffic calming. ATD will then go into the specific aspects of each individual project. After the presentation, department staff will field questions or comments on the proposed plans. A representative from my office will also be in attendance. An FAQ page for the LATM program can be found here.
| | | Election Day – March 6
The 2018 primaries are here! This year's elections include several statewide offices, such as governor and attorney general, as well as many local races. Early voting ends tomorrow, March 2, and Election Day is on Tuesday, March 6 at polling locations throughout the area. Find your nearest polling location by visiting the Travis County Clerk's Office website. Not sure if you are registered to vote? Check your voter registration status here. After confirming your registration, you will also be able to view a copy of your ballot on the page. If you are looking for more information about voting in the 2018 Primary, including details on individual candidates, the Austin Area League of Women Voters has provided a free, nonpartisan Voter's Guide as a resource. |
| | MEASURE Austin Mixer and Workshop – March 7 & 8
MEASURE Austin is a data-driven nonprofit that seeks to advance groundbreaking research and educate the public in order to improve local agency functionality and the identification of community needs. Following the success of MEASURE's Big Data & Community Policing Conference in October, the organization is hosting a free workshop on March 8 that delves deeper into collaborative policing. The four hour training will be held at the George Washington Carver Museum and include breakout sessions and tangible resources to take home. The program schedule can be found on the event's RSVP page. Partnering organizations include Counterbalance Austin, Dell, The American Society of Evidence Based Policing, Austin Police Department, and more. The night before the workshop, MEASURE will also host a networking mixer at 7 p.m. at Stinson's Bistro on Burnet Road. Please RSVP for the mixer separately on this page. |
| | | | Corridor Mobility Plan Open House – March 8
The City of Austin is developing a Corridor Mobility Plan for North Lamar Boulevard/Guadalupe Street that will include recommendations to improve mobility, safety and connectivity for everyone, whether you drive, walk, bike or take transit. The limits of the North Lamar Boulevard/Guadalupe Street Corridor Mobility Plan are between Lady Bird Lake to US 183 for the North Lamar portion, and from 29th Street to North Lamar Boulevard for the Guadalupe portion. This project is part of the 2016 transportation bond approved by Austin voters.
To learn about the city's plan development process, provide feedback, and ask questions, you are invited to an open house on March 8. Feel free to come and go as you please.
Thursday, March 8, 2018 5-8 p.m.
McCallum High School
5600 Sunshine Drive, Austin, TX 78756
If you are unable to make the open house, you can still fill out the survey online and sign up for updates. Below, please find the estimated timeline for the project. The development of the Corridor Mobility Plan for North Lamar Boulevard/Guadalupe Street launched in winter 2017, with a goal of concluding by late 2018. |
| | | | SXSW 2018 – March 9-18
One of the busiest times of year in Austin is right around the corner. South By Southwest Conference & Festivals celebrate the convergence of the interactive, film, and music industries. This year's activities will run from March 9-18 in locations all around the city. You can find the full schedule on SXSW's official site and register for events and updates. |
| | | March for Our Lives – March 24
I am proud to support Austin's participation in the nationwide movement calling for gun violence reform in the wake of the latest devastating mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. Event details are still being finalized, but the current plan is to meet at City Hall and march to the State Capitol. The rally will feature speeches by students, teachers, activists, and local elected officials, including myself. Join students from across Austin as we march in an effort to raise awareness and make substantive changes to gun policy in Texas and the United States. Follow the event's Facebook page for possible updates.
Saturday, March 24, 2018 12-3 p.m. Austin City Hall 301 W 2nd St, Austin, Texas 78701
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