Q: What do you call a three-footed aardvark? A: a yardvark
Q: If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it? A: (At bottom of email.)
Fun Fact If you drilled a tunnel straight through the Earth and jumped in, it would take you exactly 42 minutes and 12 seconds to get to the other side!
Hmmm ... Why do "overlook" and "oversee" mean opposite things?
Oh, yeah ... It is impossible to hold a sad, mean, or negative thought and a happy, loving, or positive thought in your head at the same time. (I bet you are trying to do it right now :)
Words for the Soul Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life, our spirits and to everything. Make music ~ just hum, whistle or sing ~ every day!
Words for Success “People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.” ~ Earl Nightingale