Subject: ★ Good Morning Super Star!

As you requested, I hope this Brightens Your Day a bit! 
If this FunMail does not display well, view it online.

Q: If Mississippi bought Virginia a New Jersey,
what would Delaware?

A: Idaho. Alaska!

Q: If you were running a race and you passed
the person in 2nd place,
what place would you be in now? 

A: (at bottom of email)

Fun Fact
A dog’s sense of smell is 1,000 times
more sensitive than a humans.

     Hmmm ...
So, why then, do dogs need to get their noses
THAT close to our crotches?

     Oh, yeah ...
"People with a negative attitudes
brighten the whole room when they leave
~ Anonymous

Are you Nice or Good?
"A nice person is a 'yes' person,
whereas a good person is a person who accepts their responsibility in things and moves forward
and tries to constantly evolve and isn't afraid to say no
or challenge someone or be honest or truthful." 
~ Miranda Kerr

Words for Success
Ask yourself this:
“How am I going to live today
to create the tomorrow I've committed to?”
~ Anthony Robbins

As you are walking today,
throw in a skip or two!
(You'll make yourself AND someone else smile:)

A = 2nd place

YOU can Brighten someone's day!
(What a thoughtful thing to do:)

  They have the option to subscribe ~
using the blue button on Top!

Irony-ously Speaking ...
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's intolerance.

Cat Napping
If these FunMails
Brighten YOUR Day

    even a tiny bit ...

PLEASE write a quick REVIEW at the bottom of

 this Link.

You can Brighten MY day!!

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