Subject: You’ve Got A Great Product... Time To Get MORE People To Buy It!

QUESTION: What’s the Biggest Stumbling Block Between Your Prospect And Your Order Button?


Whether you’re over-pricing or under-pricing, you can be sure your pricing strategy is significantly influencing your sales (or lack thereof)...

... Click the link below right now to discover the keys to finding the pricing sweet spot that makes it easy for customers to say “Yes” and rush to your order form

[Private Label Rights Available - Limited Time Offer]

Pricing is THE #1 FACTOR for many people when deciding “to buy or not to buy”.

It’s the biggest barrier between your prospect and your order button. It’s the biggest barrier between helping others with your product and leaving them in the same state they were in when they found your site.

And it’s the biggest barrier between maximizing your profit and leaving money on the table that you could be putting to good use in your life.

Many people simply won’t buy your product... even believing the product will help them... if your pricing strategy is wrong.

That’s no good for anyone. 

Because your goal is to help as many people as possible while making a good living doing it. And that’s never going to happen until you learn how to price a product that accomplishes both of those goals.

Here's how:


Click now and you'll discover exactly what steps you can take right now to overcome pricing objections so that your customers will buy your products enabling you to make more money and make more of a difference in the lives of other people.

You'll get dozens of tips, ideas and examples for determining the perfect P.R.I.C.E. for your offer, winning more customers through a smart pricing strategy, and making more money with better conversions and higher prices.

And you'll benefit from the simple "assignments" that will walk you through the actual steps of optimizing your pricing strategy!

Jump in now and grab a copy (Private Label Rights are also available for a limited time) and work your way through the course, you'll discover how to avoid under pricing or over pricing, how to get your customers to choose your higher-priced options (for your profit and their good), and how to make more money with simple pricing tweaks...

Plus much more. See below for the complete details:


To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

If this course helps you get just one more sale or gives you the strategy you need to start charging more for your products, it more than pays for itself! 

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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