Subject: Who’s checking emails on a Sunday?..

DigitalWebRocket - Weekend Warriors Special Edition
Surprising? Nah -- especially if you’re the owner of a small business.

But imagine if your business could be MAKING MORE MONEY even if you weren't working weekends.

In fact... Imagine what it would be like if you could rake in regular, predictable profits whether you did any kind of work at all!

Sound impossible, or at least a little unlikely?

It's not.

And that's because you'll discover *12* different ways to create these life enhancing “set it and forget it” passive income streams from your website inside my "Passive Income Profits" course

Check it out >> Passive Income Profits
New Launch Deal - Click Here To Save $60
Each module gives you a complete step-by-step blueprint to quickly setting up your chosen income generating program.

And each module covers these 3 areas:

1. STRATEGY: Here you’ll get the answer to “What is it?” and together we'll go through a straightforward overview for the specific module's revenue generating plan and why it works.

2. SYSTEM: Here you’ll discover “How do I do it?” You’ll get step-by-step instructions so you can put each of these strategies to work for you very quickly!

3. SHORTCUTS: Here you get my time tested secrets - How to make the system even better, faster, easier and ultimately how to supercharge each plan with dozens of proven shortcuts, tips and tricks!

You can see the full breakdown of the strategies here but I'll quickly cover what these 12 are below (and tell you about one of my personal favorites)

Here are the 12 modules:

>> Monthly Membership System
>> Evergreen Email System
>> Crowd-Sourced Blog System
>> Lead Magnets License System
>> Selling Resell Rights Plan
>> Udemy Passive Income System
>> Kindle Success System
>> Affiliate Profit System
>> Hands-Free Course Publishing
>> Sell WordPress Accessories
>> Passive Income Service Plan
>> Quick & Easy Store Setup Plan

PHEW! Big list right?

But don't worry, you don’t have to do everything I teach. For example, if module three doesn’t appeal to you, no worries – it’s not “required” to make everything else work.

Nonetheless, I don’t recommend you skipping any of the steps... because the cumulative effect of everything working together will really maximize your success! (Heck, you could even outsource the setup of these systems to other people and profit over and over again long-term from a small initial one-time investment.)  I explain more about that here

And of course if you find one you enjoy setting up you can just duplicate it for another market :)

That's what I do with one of my favorites "Monthly Membership System" This first module reveals how to create a hands-free, profitable membership site using my proven "M.O.N.T.H.L.Y." system.

I break down how to create content that puts a profit in your pocket and keeps your customers coming back for more. Plus how to mine the gold that lays hidden in the backend of your site!

Quick set up and VERY easy to do!

[In fact this course and these modules were originally developed for a 12-month membership site I'd planned to charge $20 per month for access to]. At that price point, your investment would be $240 for the entire package. And, to be honest, that would've been very fair.

But you won't have to fork over anything like that THIS WEEKEND!

Now you might prefer one of the other modules (the Evergreen Email System is about as easy as it comes and I have dozens of these little systems working for me 24/7) or... you might want to try them ALL.

So here's the deal.

Grab your copy of Passive Income Profits this weekend and:

1) You'll get $60 Off The Regular Price (worth checking emails on the weekend) 

2) You'll get 6 Extra Bonuses including one of my favorite software tools.

3) You'll soon no longer need to put in all the hours your working now (maybe take next weekend off) :)

Life is hard. But running a simple online business doesn’t need to be.

So Grab Passive Income Profits now to discover how to create 12 simple “set it and forget it” streams of passive income! 


To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S. Your $60 off coupon code will be automatically applied to your order when you click the add to cart button on the order page this weekend - Click Here To Save Now

P.P.S. If you're busy or not ready to try this out just yet, here the link to download my free 'Passive Income Cheatsheet' which will give you some more ideas and inspiration:

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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