Subject: What Every Business Owner Needs To Know About Email Marketing...
Promoting products and services via email used to be easy about a decade or so ago, because email was still pretty new and people were excited to get mail.

Now all that's changed.

You need to be on top of the best email strategies in order to get readers to open, read and click on your links.

Here are three tips to boost your response rate...

1. Give People a Reason to Open Your Emails

Here's a funny thing...

People sign up for newsletters and then they never read them. Sure, they have good intentions, but when the newsletter hits their inboxes they see nothing compelling enough to make them click on the email and start reading it.

The solution?

You need to write juicy subject lines that virtually compel people to open your emails.

For example, here's a boring subject line:

"Weight loss tips"

Here's a better one:

"The #1 secret for getting rid of belly fat - you won't believe this!"

Which one would you click on? If you're like most people, you'll click on the second one because it arouses your curiosity and promises a benefit.

2. Gain Your Readers' Trust

So, you created a sweet subject line that got people to open your email. Now you need to create good content so that they read your entire email.

As a bonus, if they like what they see in one email, then they're more likely to open and read your future emails.

So how do you gain readers' trust?

Like this:
  • Be honest with your product recommendations. If you wouldn't recommend it to your mother or your best friend, don't recommend it to your list.
  • Give your readers what they want and expect. If they signed up for golf tips, give them the very best tips you can. If they signed up for your list expecting to get discounts on products, then be sure you offer those discounts frequently.

3. Get People Used to Promotional Recommendations

Sometimes people think they have to "nurture" their list by giving only 100% free content for the first few weeks.

NOT true!

You want to give your subscribers the very best recommendations for products and services, which will of course include paid offers. 

That's why you should promote paid offers from email #1, which also lets your readers know what to expect from day #1.

Okay, so those are three proven tips for boosting your response rate but these are really just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to know what we use to get readers to open, read and buy from your emails, then CLICK HERE

To Your Success,
Simon Hodgkinson

If you knew the same email marketing secrets we use (I've been making a living online for well over fifteen years), how much money would you be making? 

Check this out: Inbox Economics

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