Subject: Unleash the power of the MAGIC GOPHER (instant list building)

If you have a blog (or more than one) you're in for a treat :-)

We've just released a "MAGIC GOPHER"

And this little critter is going to grow your list, boost reader engagement and pull in more FREE traffic all in one - A trifecta of awesomeness!

See for yourself > POST GOPHER PLUGIN

There's no other plugin on the market that delivers results like this and even better it can be installed, activated, configured and working on your blog, actively building your list, in less time than it takes to brew yourself a coffee.

Turn every page or post on your blog into a lead magnet without a landing page, without having to hack together 3 or 4 different plugins and without breaking a sweat.

Just install and go - Post Gopher will even work with all your existing posts too so if you have lots of older posts it's time to breathe new life into them and really get the most from all your content (old and new)

Grab it now at early adopter pricing and a month before it goes public so you can start ramping up subscribers right away.

To Your Success!
Simon Hodgkinson

In just the last few weeks our beta testing team have added hundreds of new subscribers to their lists by doing NOTHING at all other than installing this plugin.  

In the next few minutes you could join them - grab your copy now 

P.P.S.  If you're wondering why we called it a 'Gopher' there's a FAQ for that :-)

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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